...Emphasis on real world examples reinforces just how serious today's threat is. -- Snax, The Shmoo Group, Maintainer of Airsnort
A virtual arms cache at your fingertips... -- Patrick Heim, Vice President Enterprise Security, McKesson Corporation
If you maintain one or more Unix or Linux machines, this book belongs on your shelf. -- Michael Reynolds, SolarisCentral
Product Description
HackNotes Linux and Unix Security Portable Reference gives you step-by-step details of intrusion tactics, tools, and actual techniques being used by hackers and criminals today to break into computer networks. This book will teach you how to protect and harden Linux and Unix hosts against the most troublesome security issues. Learn to use the latest hacking tools, including Airsnort, Dsniff, Ettercap, Ethereal, Kismet, Netcat, and Nmap. Protect the most popular network services, including FTP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, R-services, NFS, SAMBA, POP, IMAP, MySQL, X, and VNC. Recognize both Backdoor and Rootkit tools and tactics used by sophisticated intruders. Defend against software vulnerabilities such as race conditions, improper input validation, and misconfigurations. Use the unique and easy-to-access Reference Center in the middle of the book to quickly locate useful commands, online security resources, and more!
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