C# Soup To Nuts Webcast Series
This webcast series is devoted to those who want to learn to really use Visual C# and what it can do. Learn from Bill Steele, a renowned expert in software development and featured speaker for Microsoft and NASA.
Bill loves creating the applications that often pop right into his head. Unfortunately, it takes his fingers a little longer to type them in. Bill is MCSD certified and has logged more than 15 years as a software developer. He's given over 200 presentations to date, and is currently developing a NASA flight computer for small aircraft. What's the toughest part of managing a 50-member team? "Those developer types always think they know it all," Bill says with a wink.
Introduction to C#
Join me in this webcast where I kick off an introduction to Microsoft's Newest Programming language, C#. I will explore the basic language contructs and begin to explore what types of applications we can build. This will be the "front door" to a series of webcasts on C# where we will progressivly get deeper and deeper in to this fantastic language.
Visual C# Express
Join me in this webcast where we will introduce you to Visual C# Express. Visual C# Express is a free download from Microsoft that allows you to develop C# applications. We will learn about the powerful IDE features like Code Editor, Compiler, Intellisense and the Debugger. We will also learn about the project system that allows us to build a collection to keep all the files related to our program together.
Class Libraries
C# is a very powerful language, however, it doesn't do everything by itself. Instead, it relies on a hiarchical set of prewritten functions that allows developers to gain access to standard functionality provided by the host operating system. These functions are contained in files called "Class Libraries." Join me while we begin to explore some of the basics of class libraries and learn how C# provides basic functionallity through Class Libraries for developers.
C# Program Structure
C# is the newest programming language from Microsoft. So far, in this series, we've been exploring the basics of C# and Visual C# Express. In this webcast, we will begin to dive deep into just what C# is and how programs written in C# are structured. We'll begin by looking at how the "main" function is defined. We will then look at the basics of the language and how C# assembles the lines of code you write into something meaningful to the runtime.
Language Fundamentals
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn what Types, Variables, Constants, Statements and more are and how to use them.
Branching and Looping
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about iterators, loops and Branching.
Classes and Objects
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about classes, objects and how to use them.
Operator Basics
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about the different kinds of operators and how to use them.
Basic Debugging
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific Visual C# Express features. We will learn about debugging and how the IDE allows you to view what is going on inside your application while it is running.
Arrays and Collections
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about arrays and collections and how we can use them to store and organize data withing our application.
Creating and Manipulating Strings
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about strings and how to create and manipulate them utilizing basic operators as well as the StringBuilder class.
Exception Handling
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn how handles unexpected problems with our application via the robust Exception Handling system built into the .NET Framework. We will learn about Try-Catch blocks and how to correctly handle the different types of exceptions that your application can experience.
Delegates and Events
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine specific C# language features. We will learn about Delegates and Events. Delegates and Events allow us to build applications that can let others know that some type of interesting thing has happened within our application. We will also see how we can even have multiple listeners respond to a single event.
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Join me in this webcast series where I will teach you the basics of Microsoft's C# Language. In this webcast we will examine the specific C# language features that allow us to create objects that are "like" other objects. We see this type of coorelation in every day objects and often need to model that in our programs. Inheritance and Polymorphism solve various kinds of problem, including reducing the amount of code we write as well as making it much easier to understand.
C# and the Web
In this webcast, we will see how C# can be used to build applications that target websites. We will learn about ASP.NET and how it relates to C# and see how we can build web pages and controls that allow us to reuse our code.
Custom Web Controls
Join me in this webcast where I will teach you about building basic ASP.NET controls in C#. C# and ASP.NET together bring us a powerful platform for developing web applications, but sometimes, we need to think about the application as a whole. Code reuse is on of those important features of application development that can significantly reduce our development time. In this webcast, we will see how we can use User Controls and Custom Controls to help us trim that development time down.
C# and Windows Applications
Join me in this webcast where I will teach you about building basic Windows Applications. The basic window class we use in C# is the Form. In this webcast, we will explore the System.Windows.Form object and see how we can expand it and utilize it to suite our exact needs.
Custom Controls
In the previous webcast in this series, I talked about using C# standard Windows form object. However, some applications require a user interface that is unique or different than the standard forms. In this webcast, we will explore some of the more advanced features of Windows Forms development, such as GDI+ that allow us to tailor the user interface to exactly what our applicaiton needs.
C# and Windows Presentation Foundation
Join me in this webcast where I will discuss how to take advantage of Windows Vista's new presentation system, Windows Presentation Foundation (aka WPF) with C#. WPF allows our applications to include stunning graphics and enhanced user experience functionallity that was unatainable in the past.
C# and SQL Server 2005
Join me in this webcast where I will discuss how to include data access features in your applications. I will specifically discuss how to integrate SQL Server 2005 database functionallity directly into your web and Windows based applications. C# allows us to programatically get direct access to SQL Server data. In this webcast, we will look at the various features in C# that allow us to develop against SQL Server 2005 and other data sources.
C# and Game Development
Join me in this webcast where I will discuss game development with C#. C# can be used to build a variety of software, but one of the most overlooked types of programs is games. In this webcast, I'll discuss XNA Game Studio Express. XNA is a gaming framework available for Windows as well as for the XBox 360. In this session, we'll see how XNA Game Studio and Microsoft Visual C# Express allow you to develop stunning 3D games with ease.
C# Application Deployment Options
Join me in this final webcast in the C# Soup To Nuts series, where we will discuss the various deployment options for your applications. Writing an application can be a very tedious task, but deploying it can be a greater challenge. In this webcast, we'll look at the various deployment options you have, we'll see how they work and afterwards, you will have the information you need to sucessfully deploy your own applications.
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