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IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ISP-DOMAIN IP2Location™ is an award-winning solution to help you to identify visitor’s geographical location ie. country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP and domain name using a proprietary ip address lookup database and technology without invading Internet user’s privacy.
» Availability: Immediate Internet Download » Free account to download database 24×7 » Free IP2L0c@tion IP-Country Database [DB1] » Free IP2L0c@tion IP-Country-ISP Database [DB2] » Free IP2L0c@tion IP-Country-City Database [DB3] » FreeIP2L0c@tion IP-Country-City-ISP Database [DB4] » FreeIP2L0c@tion IP-Country-City-Latitude-Longitude Database [DB5]» FreeIP2L0c@tion IP-Country-City-Latitude-Longitude-ISP Database [DB6] » Free IP2L0c@tion IP-Country-City-ISP-Domain Database [DB7] Contains too many IPs!
» The sales price is $649 only (no hidden cost, no increase after one year) for a limited time.
Size: 40MB (unpacked 470MB!!!!!!!)
Download IP2Location Full Database:
Today Cisco has introduced a suite of network management software named Network Magic 5.0 . This tool will improve various network tasks like- connecting and sharing computers(content printer), control computers on network while accessing Internet, connection repairing features, manage performance problem to provide optimize performance and many more. This tool run in the background and indicate/alert each time when new device connect to your network.
The Network Magic 5.0 suit provide the various functionality and provide capability to
* Connect and share content or a printer across a network
* Manage, monitor and control how computers on the network access the Internet
* Diagnose and repair connection and performance problems
* Optimize performance and reliability
* Track network history and usage through reporting capabilities
* Manage active connections and get status updates Control user
* Access and help secure the network from intruders
* Connect your devices together in minutes.
* Share Internet connections, printers and files.
* Protect your network with enhanced WPA security capabilities and
status alerts.
* Repair your network and Internet connections to stay online and
* Control access to the Internet and track online activity with remote
desktop screenshots.
* And much more!
Download Cisco Network Magic Pro 5.0.8282:
Wireless Network Ignition 2.0 will manage the process of getting and staying connected to your wireless network.
Download Wireless Network Ignition v2.0:
Navicat MySQL is a powerful MySQL Database Server administration and development tool. It works with any MySQL version from 3.21 or above and supports most of the latest MySQL features including Trigger, Stored Procedure, Function, Event, View, Manage User, and so on. It is also not only sophisticated enough for professional developers, but also easy to learn for new users. With its well-designed Graphical User Interface(GUI), Navicat MySQL lets you quickly and easily create, organize, access and share information in a secure and easy way.
Navicat MySQL is available on three platforms - Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It can connect users to local/remote MySQL Server, providing several utilitarian tools such as Data/Structure Synchronization, Import/Export, Backup and Report to facilitate the process of maintaining data.
Download Navicat MySQL v8.0.28 part 1:
Download Navicat MySQL v8.0.28 part 2:
SQL Script Builder is powerful software that can create a database migration sql script (or dump file) or database files from any ODBC supported database. The script produced will migrate the database (multiple tables selection) or only one table and the records. Scripts are available in 5 output formats ; MySql, MS SQL, Oracle, Pervasive and PostgreSQL , and files comes in Access mdb, Excel csv, MS xml. SQL Script Builder is very simple to use, you just have to choose the database and the table from the list. SQL Script Builder scripts can be used on your DBMS (database management system) or uploaded on a server.
SQL Script Builder can be used for example for database migration from your Access database to MySql database, or MySql database migration to MS SQL database and vice versa. You don’t have to migrate all database, you can if you wish only migrate one table at a time. There’s no limits, all you need is the ODBC driver for the database you wish to migrate from. ODBC is a universal interface, almost every database provider support it.
Download SQL Script Builder v1.6.4.28:
AceHTML Pro - highly effective HTML source code editor
AceHTML Pro is a highly effective application that will
allow you to build and manage professional Web sites with ease, control, and efficiency.
By balancing power and flexibility, AceHTML 6 Pro meets
the exacting needs of Web builders who want freedom and
complete control over their Web sites.
You get total control of your Web development project,
thanks to an impressive array of design tools that provides
extensive functionality and ease of use.
AceHTML Pro’s flexible interface is completely customizable,
providing maximum convenience and a superior user experience.
With AceHTML Pro, you’ll master all standard Web coding languages,
such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, ASP, and PHP.
Here are some key features of “AceHTML Pro”:
· Flexible and customizable user interface
· Coding support
· Web development aid
· Code reuse
· Quality assurance
· Productivity tools
· HTML editing
· Project management
Download AceHTML Pro 6.60:
Web Palette Pro is the professional colour selection solution for all your Web design needs. Use Web Palette Pro to conveniently select from Web-Safe or custom colours. Precisely adjust colour properties. Export hexadecimal colour values (as used in Web design including HTML and CSS style sheets) to the clipboard ready for use in your favourite Web design or HTML editing software.
Features include:
* Select colours from the Web-safe color palette or create custom colors.
* Saves you time: export hexadecimal colour values to the clipboard with one click.
* Precisely adjust colors based on RGB (red, green, blue) values, hue, saturation and brightness.
* Free software updates.
Recommended system requirements
* Microsoft® Windows® 98 or later operating system (Windows® XP or Windows® Vista recommended)
* 128 MB of RAM recommended
* Hard disk space required for download: 1 MB
* Hard disk space required for installation: 1 MB. More if the latest version of the Microsoft® .NET Framework has not been installed.
* If your computer does not have the latest version of the Microsoft® .NET Framework installed, you may be required to download it as part of the installation process. This will require an Internet connection.
* Internet connection required for accessing SupportBase.NET technical support services.
* Windows® compatible pointing device.
Download Web Palette Pro v4.0.2.0: