Within this thread are up to date & relevant Cisco resources (books & videos), in more or less the order you should read/watch them, for those who are serious about getting Cisco Certified & really knowing what they are doing, along with links to the current tests from Actual Tests for CCENT CCNA CCNP CCDA CCDP CCIP CCSP.
Please check the second post for the Cisco Video section
The tests are more or less a word for word copy of the certification tests Cisco gives you when you take the exam at Pearson VUE.
I have made the file names a lot easier to keep track of, once you have extracted the files, & I don't think anybody else does this, & I think many of you will appreciate the difference immensely.
The ActualTests version number system is simple: Version 12.27.07 = MM.DD.YY = 12th Month (December) . 27th day of the Month . 07 = Year 2007.
To sign up to take these tests, and find your nearest Pearson VUE testing centre, you go to
create a login, & then follow the instructions.
Do not use the practice test resources to learn the Cisco material, it will rarely work, & you won't be of any use when you try to get a job working with Cisco equipment.
Use the books & videos I have provided here & any practical experience you can get instead.
Learn the material first, & then when you think you know what you are doing, use these practice exams to help teach you how to take the exam successfully, & how to avoid the regular exam pitfalls that you will encounter along the way. The practice tests will also help ensure that if you have any holes in your knowledge, you can patch them up before it costs you money to find out you did not know what you were doing!
Advice on how to approach and what order to go through the material:
1. Watch the video(s) (if available) for your particular level, to introduce yourself to the subject at an easy to learn pace.
2. Read the book(s) to reinforce what you have learnt, as well as give you the correct in depth knowledge you are going to need to pass the test easily.
3. Run through as many practicals you can, using real hardware or one of the simulation options I've outlined at the bottom of this post.
4. Repeat this procedure for each topic, in small bite size chunks. Don't try to swallow the entire curriculum whole, when running through the first 3 points.
5. When you feel you are ready, take the appropriate ActualTests exam to see if you are ready to take the real exam.
6. Get used to understanding how to interpret and answer the exam questions correctly. This is the real lesson to be learnt at this stage.
7. Revise the areas taking the ActualTests exam has found you deficient in.
8. Once satisfied that you have thorough knowledge & can successfully pass the exam, book in with Pearson VUE and take the Cisco certification exam.
have also included a link to the official Cisco Web site for each certification path at the start of each section, along with a list of ALL Cisco Certification Exams:
Be sure you are studying the correct material for a current exam. This is why I go to great lengths to be accurate with my filenames/descriptions.
Advice to help you take any Cisco Certification Exam successfully!
This is an example of an exam cheat sheet that you should get used to writing out everytime you take a Cisco Certification exam.
It is not cheating to do this, so long as you write it up yourself while you are in the exam.
When you go in for the exam, make sure you ask for lots of plastic or paper sheets, so you can write this out & make more notes on. Do not try & fit everything you want onto a single sheet. The chart below will take up 1 sheet alone, & I assure you, you will need more.
It only takes a couple of minutes, but can save you a whole lot of time, & heartache caused by simple mistakes.
Obvious bits are left out to speed up the writing down process, because if you don't know what supposed to be in the 1st 2 octets of a subnet or wildcard mask BEFORE you take the test, you are pretty much stuffed anyway.
CCNA : 640-822 ICND1 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 v1.0CCNA : 640-816 ICND2 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 v1.0ORCCNA : 640-802ELSECCENT : 640-822 ICND1 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 v1.0http://www.cisco.com/go/ccna
Study/Book Resources for the CCNA 640-802, CCENT 640-822 & CCNA 640-816 exams
3Com - Understanding IP Addressing - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know - April 1996(Chuck Semeria)
Cisco - Advanced IP Addressing
NetCert - Subnetting Scenarios 1999
Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide - Appendix C Answers
Cisco Press - IP Addressing Fundamentals - October 2002(Mark A. Sportack)
Cisco Press - Cisco Networking Simplified - 2nd Edition December 2007(Jim Doherty)
Cisco Press - TCP-IP First-Step - December 2004(Mark A. Sportack)
Cisco Press - Cisco IP Routing Fundamentals - March 1999
Cisco Press - Routing First-Step - September 2004(Bill Parkhurst)
Cisco Press - LAN Switching First-Step - July 2004(Matthew J. Castelli)
Cisco Press - 640-802 CCNA Portable Command Guide - 2nd Edition July 2007(Scott Empson)
Cisco Press - 640-822 CCENT,CCNA,ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide - 2nd Edition August 2007(Wendell Odom)
http://rapidshare.com/files/74703947/ccna-640-802-odom-examcertguide01-2007.rar Book Only
Cisco Press - 640-816 & 640-802 CCNA,ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide - 2nd Edition August 2007(Wendell Odom)
http://rapidshare.com/files/74703362/ccna-640-802-odom-examcertguide02-2007.rar Book Only
Cisco Press - 640-822 CCENT,CCNA,ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide - 2nd Edition August 2007(Wendell Odom)
2 CD's http://www.ciscopress.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=1587201828
Use Flv Player http://www.flvsoft.com/flv_player/ to play the FLV files on CD 2
Read the included readme.txt for information about what to do with the ISO (CD Image) Files
Cisco Press - 640-816 & 640-802 CCNA,ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide - 2nd Edition August 2007(Wendell Odom)
2 CD's http://www.ciscopress.com/bookstore/product.asp?isbn=158720181X
Use Flv Player http://www.flvsoft.com/flv_player/ to play the FLV files on CD 2
Read the included readme.txt for information about what to do with the ISO (CD Image) Files
Cisco Press - 640-822 - Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 1 (ICND1) Authorized Self Study Guide - Second Edition December 2007(Steve McQuerry)
Cisco Press - 640-816 - Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices, Part 2 (ICND2) Authorized Self Study Guide - Third Edition February 2008(Steve McQuerry)
Pearson Education - 640-802 CCNA Exam Prep - 2nd Edition December 2007(Jeremy Cioara)
Que Publishing - CCENT Exam Cram (Exam 640-822) - 3rd Edition December 2007(Michael Valentine)
Sybex - 640-802 CCNA Study Guide - 6th Edition August 2007(Todd Lammle)
Sybex - 640-802 CCNA Study Guide - 6th Edition August 2007(Todd Lammle)
Full CD (Includes Ebook, Flash Cards, Videos & Test-Engine)
Burn the ISO Image file to CD or use ISOBuster http://www.isobuster.com to extract the files directly to your Hard Disk
Sybex - CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Fast Pass 3rd Edition Nov 2007(Todd Lammle)
Sybex - Cliffs TestPrep - Cisco CCNA - April 2007(Todd Lammle)
Sybex - 640-802 - Todd Lammle’s CCNA IOS Command Survival Guide 2008(Todd Lammle)
ActualTests CCNA-CCENT 640-822 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 Version 11.06.07.rar
ActualTests CCNA 640-816 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 Version 12.17.07
ActualTests CCNA 640-802 Cisco Certified Network Associate Version 02.13.08
ActualTests CCNA 640-802 Cisco Certified Network Associate Version 12.12.07
ActualTests CCNA 640-802 CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate Version 11.07.07
http://rapidshare.com/files/195342948/readme.zipPassword default :