The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 1587053438 and Pub Date: May 25, 2008
The size of the release is: 01 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 06/14/2008
Network Business Series
Justify Your Network Investment
The definitive guide to IPv6 decision making for non-technical business
Every year, organizations rely on Internet applications and services
more deeply–and every year, Internet infrastructure grows more powerful
and complex. As the limitations of traditional IPv4 addressing become
increasingly apparent, many decision makers recognize that a transition
to IPv6 is needed far sooner than anticipated. Global IPv6 Strategies
gives non-technical decision makers the information to plan and execute
an orderly, efficient migration to IPv6–and reap the business benefits.
This bookŠö authors offer practical scenarios, proven best practices,
and real-world case studies drawn from their unsurpassed experience
helping enterprises and service providers move to IPv6. Writing for
non-technical decision makers, they systematically review the costs,
benefits, impacts, and opportunities associated with IPv6 migration.
Their insights and strategies can help you address both the technical
side of IPv6 and the rarely discussed organizational issues that can
make or break your transition.
Patrick Grossetete, manager of Product Management at Cisco? is
responsible for key Cisco IOS?software technologies including IPv6 and
IP Mobility. A member of the IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate, he has
been honored with the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award.
Ciprian P. Popoviciu, PhD, CCIE?No. 4499, technical leader at Cisco,
focuses on architecting, designing, and testing large IPv6 network
deployments for service providers and enterprises worldwide. Grossetete
and Popoviciu co-authored Deploying IPv6 Networks (Cisco Press).
Fred Wettling manages architecture and strategic planning for Bechtel.
Wettling is a member of the IEEE, North American IPv6 Task Force, and
IPv6 Forum; directs the IPv6 Business Council; chaired the Network
Applications Consortium (NAC); and served on the PresidentŠö National
Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee Next Generation Network
Task Force.
- Understand how efficient IP communications are rapidly becoming even
more central to business and economic growth.
- Get past the “IPv4 vs. IPv6?myths that prevent effective decision
making and planning.
- Objectively assess the constraints of existing IPv4
infrastructures–and learn how IPv6 can overcome them.
- Develop and analyze the business case for IPv6–with help from
real-world, never-before-published case studies.
- Identify hidden business opportunities IPv6 can unleash.
- Choose the optimal IPv6 adoption strategy for your enterprise or
- Learn realistic best practices for planning successful migrations
This volume is in the Network Business Series offered by Cisco Press?
Books in this series provide IT executives, decision makers, and
networking professionals with pertinent information about todayŠö most
important technologies and business strategies.
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