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Friday, May 8, 2009





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Ready to learn the visual effects techniques used at such leading-edge studios as Industrial Light + Magic and The Orphanage? Adobe After Effects 7.0 Studio

Techniques inspires you to take your work to the next level with real-world examples and insider techniques. With this under-the-hood, in-depth guide to

Adobe's updated motion graphics and effects powerhouse, you'll get complete coverage of all the big features in After Effects 7.0: High dynamic range (HDR)

32 bit per channel color compositing, cinema preview and color management, a redesigned user interface, a new Graph Editor to animate using explicit

translation curves, retiming effects using Timewarp, and dozens of other enhancements. Get blockbuster results without the big budget as you delve deep into

the essence of visual effects. This book goes beyond conventional step-by-step instruction, teaching you bread-and-butter effects that you can adapt and

combine for countless projects.

Real solutions from real professionals: learn the techniques and approach used to create shots for big-budget special effects films.
Compositing essentials: No matter how sophisticated the effect, they all begin with the same building blocks. Find out what you've been missing about color

and light matching, keying, motion tracking, rotoscoping, working with film, and more.
Advanced techniques: Your goal should be effects so good that no one notices them. From sky replacement to explosions, from smoke to fire, learn to bring

your shots to life and enhance scenes without anyone ever knowing what they're seeing isn't 100% real.
Companion CD-ROM: Professional tools produce professional results. The book¡¯s companion disc includes plenty of sample projects including HD footage from

Pixel Corps and the Artbeats Digital Film Library, as well as more than a dozen plug-ins and programs that you can use to build up and customize your own



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Adobe's Creative Suite offers a powerful unified design environment that includes Photoshop CS2, Illustrator CS 2, InDesign CS2, GoLive CS2 and Acrobat 7.0.

Problem is, you've still got to learn the thing, and learn it well: Your job, after all, depends on it. No one understands that better than the authors of

this book, who draw on their own real-world professional knowledge to deliver all the industrial-strength production techniques and timesaving tips you need

to start creating print and web projects with the Creative Suite 2 in record time. You'll find everything you need here to successfully master its advanced

tools; working with the Adobe Bridge file browser, Stock Photos and more.


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One big advantage Photoshop professionals have always had was the understanding of channels. It was their secret weapon, and it enabled them to do things,

and work in an entirely different way than their competitors, and maybe that's why the secret power of Photoshop's channels has been such a closely guarded

secret. Until now.

Award-winning, bestselling author Scott Kelby (Editor of Photoshop User magazine) shows you how to unlock the power of Photoshop's Channels and really start

using Photoshop like a pro. But this isn't a book of theory and technical explanations, this is a step-by-step project-based book that will teach you exactly

how to the pros use channels in their everyday work (Using channels is one of the secrets they use to get twice the work done in half the time).

You'll learn how today's top photographers and graphic designers employ channels to make impossible selections, to speed their production workflow, to color

correct images, to mask images, to create stunning color to black and white conversions, and to do dozens of inside tricks that set them apart from the

field. There's a reason there's always been a mystique to using channels, and why Photoshop users who understand and use them stay on the cutting edge. Now,

their secrets are revealed using the same plain-English style that has made Scott one of the leading Photoshop authors and instructors in the world today.

You'll be amazed at not only what you're able with channels, but you'll love the competitive advantage that using channels will give you. If you're ready to

take your Photoshop skills to the next level, you're holding the book that will take you there, and you're gonna love it!


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MCSA-2003: Complete Collection

MCSA-2003: Security Complete Collection contains practice test for certification exams. Each PrepKit is an interactive software application that helps you learn, tracks your progress, identifies areas for improvements and simulates the actual exam. This certification collection contains 17 interactive practice tests with over 1450 challenging questions guaranteed to comprehensively cover all the objectives for the 70-299: Windows 2003 Implementing Security exam, 70-291: Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure exam, 70-290: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment exam, 70-270: Windows XP Professional exam, with detailed analysis for each question, over 485 study notes, interactive quizzes, tips and technical articles, these exam prepration kits ensures that you get a solid grasp of core technical concepts to ace your certification exam.


Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems

S. Ramesh, P. Sampath, "Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems"
Springer | 2007 | ISBN: 1402062532 | 300 pages | PDF | 4,3 MB

This volume is the proceedings of the workshop “Next Generation Design and Verification Methodologies for Distributed Embedded Control Systems” organised by General Motors R&D, India Science Lab. The workshop was held on January 5-6 2007 at the NIAS auditorium, IISc campus, Bangalore, India. This workshop is the first of its kind to be organised by an automotive major to bring together the leaders in the field of embedded systems development to present state-of-the-art work, and to discuss future strategies for addressing the increasing complexity of embedded control systems. The workshop consisted of invited talks given by leading experts and researchers from academic and industrial organizations. The workshop covered all areas of embedded systems development and in particular:

Formal specification and verification of distributed, heterogeneous, embedded systems

Formal semantics of modeling languages

Model-based specification and testing

Formal approach to component based development

Software product line engineering

Automatic code generation for distributed, embedded systems.



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isualizing Research: A Guide To The Research Process In Art And Design

Carole Gray, Julian Malins, "Visualizing Research: A Guide To The Research Process In Art And Design"
Ashgate Publishing | 2004 | ISBN: 0754635775 | 214 pages | PDF | 1,8 MB

Visualizing Research guides postgraduate students in art and design through the development and implementation of a research project, using the metaphor of a 'journey of exploration'. For use with a formal programme of study, from masters to doctoral level, the book derives from the creative relationship between research, practice and teaching in art and design. It extends generic research processes into practice-based approaches more relevant to artists and designers, introducing wherever possible visual, interactive and collaborative methods. The Introduction and Chapter 1 'Planning the Journey' define the concept and value of 'practice-based' formal research, tracking the debate around its development and explaining key concepts and terminology. 'Mapping the Terrain' then describes methods of contextualizing research in art and design (the contextual review, using reference material); 'Locating Your Position' and 'Crossing the Terrain' guide the reader through the stages of identifying an appropriate research question and methodological approach, writing the proposal and managing research information. Methods of evaluation and analysis are explored, and finally strategies for reporting and communicating research findings are suggested. Appendices and a glossary are also included. Visualizing Research draws on the experience of researchers in different contexts and includes case studies of real projects. Although written primarily for postgraduate students, research supervisors, managers and academic staff in art and design and related areas, such as architecture and media studies, will find this a valuable research reference. An accompanying website includes multimedia and other resources that complement the book.


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Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects

Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects
384 pages | Peachpit Press (Aug 2005) | English | 0321336585 | PDF | 7 MB
Self-paced, self-guided instruction is all well and good, but at the end of the day, most people could use a little feedback--especially when they're ready to build a design portfolio and hit the job market. Not to worry, this book provides actual instructor feedback along with the self-paced, individualized instruction in Photoshop and Illustrator that designers need.
Written by the faculty of New York-based, accredited online design school, the book uses the school's trademark project-based curriculum to teach essential design concepts with Photoshop and Illustrator. After a brief intro to the world of graphic design, Sessions instructors provide quick "refresher course" chapters on the two programs. Then, armed with Photoshop and Illustrator basics, readers tackle a series of projects that stretch their imagination and creative muscles involving logo design, magazine layouts, illustrations, poster design, digital imaging, book cover design, packaging design, and more. Best of all, readers are encouraged to post their work for expert feedback from faculty on "Studio Sessions," the custom Web site created for this book.



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There's a pattern here, and here's how to use it!

Find out how the 23 leading design patterns can save you time and trouble

Ever feel as if you've solved this programming problem before? You -- or someone -- probably did, and that's why there's a design pattern to help this time

around. This book shows you how (and when) to use the famous patterns developed by the "Gang of Four," plus some new ones, all designed to make your

programming life easier.

Discover how to:
* Simplify the programming process with design patterns
* Make the most of the Decorator, Factory, and Adapter patterns
* Identify which pattern applies
* Reduce the amount of code needed for a task
* Create your own patterns


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An open source project backed by years of continual development, ImageMagick supports over 90 image formats and can perform impressive operations such as

creating images from scratch; changing colors; stretching, rotating, and overlaying images; and overlaying text on images. Whether you use ImageMagick to

manage the family photos or to embark on a job involving millions of images, this book will provide you with the knowledge to manage your images with ease.

The Definitive Guide to ImageMagick explains all of these capabilities and more in a practical, learn-by-example fashion. You'll get comfortable using

ImageMagick for any image-processing task. Through the book's coverage of the ImageMagick interfaces for C, Perl, PHP, and Ruby, you'll learn how to

incorporate ImageMagick features into a variety of applications.



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This book shows proper use of image processing and the most common errors by giving examples of digital images. It presents examples of artifacts produced in

digital imaging that will be useful to both users and counsel. It also describes examples and procedures derived from a wealth of personal experience in both

civil and criminal trials and illustrates ways that questions and answers can explain how these methods can be and have been used and abused, and how to

communicate these facts to a jury


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From picking your camera to posting photos on the Web, here's what you need to know about digital photography in eight easy-to-use minibooks! Packed with

full-color examples that will get your creative juices flowing, this guide helps you take better pictures; edit, organize, and share them; restore vintage

prints; and more.



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Whether you're a new photographer or an experienced pro, this book will guide you through the labyrinth of options and choices you face from the moment you

see a photo oppotunity to the time you share your final results. And it will help you minimize the time needed to fix your mistakes along the way.
Through step-by-step procedures based on years of experience, professional photographer Ken Milburn describes a complete workflow sequence that begins with

essential equipment and preparation, takes you through detailed editing techniques, and ends with your finished images looking the way you want, ready to be

shown to the world.

This completely revised edition of Milburn's original bestseller teaches you everything you need to do before, during, and after the editing process.

Be prepared with the right equipment
Get the basic shots right
Organize your photos and find the gems
Make reversible adjustments
Refine your images with care
Use special effects cautiously and tastefully
Publish and share your images effectively
You'll also learn advanced techniques with Photoshop CS2 and Photoshop Elements, though this isn' t a typical Photoshop how-to book. Milburn's workflow

strategy includes everything you must do before, during, and after the editing process to ensure that high-production jobs are done professionally with a

minimum of frustration. With Digital Photography: Expert Techniques, you'll become a better (and more profitable) photographer.


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Software packages are complex. Shouldn't software books make it easier? Simplify your life with the Focal Easy Guide to Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0! This short,

full-color book lives up to its name by paring down the software to its essentials. It covers only the key features and essential workflow to get you up and

running in no time. When time is of the essence, less is more

Antony Brown shares his professional insight to ensure you get the most out of all the tools Adobes Audition ® 2.0 offers. All the essential areas are

covered: set up, editing, audio restoration, looping content, working with video, mastering, making a CD, and much more. Featured are many workflow tips that

show you how to tap into the full power of Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0 when creating your digital audio files. This is an ideal first read for any editor new to

Adobe ® Audition ® 2.0.

* Quick and easy to follow with color diagrams and screenshots throughout
* Takes you step-by-step though the programme, ensuring a clear understanding and successful results
* All areas are covered: set-up, editing, looping content, mastering, finalizing, working with video, making a CD, and much more


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Transform flat drawings and concepts into impressive 3D visualizations that will amaze your clients with the comprehensive instruction you'll find in

Mastering Autodesk VIZ 2007. Written by VIZ experts, this book shows you how to get the most out of the latest version of Autodesk's powerful 3D design,

modeling, and animation tool with an in-depth, tutorial-based approach grounded in real-world examples.

This new edition has been fully updated and revised to cover all of Autodesk VIZ 2007's new features¡ªasset tracking, revamped Xrefs, an updated interface,

and the improved rendering and editing tools¡ªand it's packed with professional techniques you can apply immediately to your own work for striking results.

Whether you're new to VIZ or simply want to master the latest features, this book offers the clear explanations and step-by-step instructions you need to

create, animate, and render realistic architectural visualizations with VIZ 2007.



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Pro OGRE 3D Programming is your detailed guide to utilizing the OGRE 3D engine, one of the best-in-breed 3D rendering libraries available. You'll learn what

OGRE is, and more importantly, what it is not. OGRE gives you an object-oriented interface to render 3D scenes independent of the implementation, such as

Direct3D or OpenGL. OGRE is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It can be utilized to create a variety of 3D-based applications and is commonly used

in game creation.

This book covers OGRE from obtaining the source to polishing the final product. If you are an aspiring game programmer with beginner/intermediate-level

knowledge of game design practices and intermediate-level knowledge of the C++ language, this is the book for you. Familiarity with open source project

management tools such as CVS and Subversion will also help you to digest the material. Included with the book is a ready-to-use Utility Toolkit class library

useful for jumpstarting OGRE-based programs. You'll also find discussion of OGRE's capabilities from the perspective of a content creator, not just a


The content of this book was reviewed prior to publication by Steve Streeting, founder and lead developer of the OGRE 3D project.


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Build Your Skills with Hundreds of Helpful Ideas from Two AutoCAD Superstars

Two AutoCAD experts distill years of combined experience into hundreds of the most useful AutoCAD tips and techniques you'll ever find. Fun, easy to read,

and packed with information, this beautiful guide equips you with inside tricks on critical AutoCAD features and functions--all in fast, easy-to-digest

nuggets. Discover keyboard shortcuts and little-known system variables or punch up your style with expert tips on visualizing, publishing, and 3D modeling.

No matter what your experience level, you're sure to increase productivity and master professional-level techniques with this lively, practical book.
* Tweak Windows(r) and AutoCAD to get the UI you want
* Handle layers and select objects like a pro
* Create dimensions, hatch patterns, and text correctly the first time
* Comprehend the complexities of Sheet Sets and Paperspace
* Unleash the power of dynamic blocks
* Get visualization tips from the experts
* Plot or publish in the background while you keep drawing
* Take control of AutoCAD with customization techniques
* Master the friendly new world of 3D in AutoCAD 2007


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If you are a digital camera enthusiast jumping into enhancement and manipulation, and looking for quick answers, this easy-to use, ready reference is for

you. Its like having the author Philip Andrews sitting next to you, with his no-nonsense style, giving you practical, hands-on tips for getting striking

images using Elements 5.0.

Make the most of your digital photos with these guidelines from one artist to another. Philips clear, full color screen grabs detail step-by-step features in

actionin a real-world context. All content is completely revised and updated for Photoshop Elements 5.0.

With its clear and simple column format, you quickly learn how to troubleshoot as you develop your creations that will awe your colleagues, clients, family,

and friends. Color-coded tabs make it easy to locate each tool and feature; each entry is cross-referenced to help you build a fuller understanding of how to

use a tool, feature, menu, or invaluable shortcut key.

Packed with more than 1500 color images, insider tips, workarounds, and hidden gotchas, this book comes with FREE matching video tutorials for all editing

and enhancement tasks featured in the book provided on a companion website ( Practice with the downloadable images and support material

to put your new skills to use immediately. No more searching for an accompanying CD the resources and video tutorials are always available via the website no

matter where you are.

Philip Andrews is a professional photographer, accomplished teacher, and best-selling international author. He is an alpha tester for the software and a

Photoshop Elements Ambassador, making him one of Adobe's most trusted authors.

* Discover and master the tools and features in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 with this stunningly illustrated, full-color reference guide
* Have Philip sitting next to you, with this handy guide, written in his trademark no-nonsense style as he delivers hands-on tactics for Elements 5.0.
* Save time when trying to understand a function or toolsimply dip in and find the listing in this easy-to-use A-Z format
* Gain confidence with new features whether youre a beginner or intermediate
* Covers all the new features of Elements 5.0 and also can be used with any version of the software

Lists all the key tools and features of Photoshop Elements X - can be used with any version of the software

Save time with the colourful, easy-to-use A to Z format

Each entry lists shortcut keys, specifies which version of Photoshop Elements is applicable, includes screengrabs, clear step-by-step instructions of the

features in action and cross references to other relevant entries



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Adam Nathan

with Daniel Lehenbauer, Lead Developer Responsible for WPF 3D

Printed entirely in color, with helpful figures and syntax coloring to make code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a key component of the .NET Framework 3.0, giving you the power to create richer and more compelling applications

than you dreamed possible. Whether you want to develop traditional user interfaces or integrate 3D graphics, audio/video, animation, dynamic skinning, rich

document support, speech recognition, or more, WPF enables you to do so in a seamless, resolution-independent manner. Windows Presentation Foundation

Unleashed is the authoritative book that covers it all, in a practical and approachable fashion, authored by .NET guru and Microsoft developer Adam Nathan.

¡¤ Covers everything you need to know about Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)

¡¤ Examines the WPF feature areas in incredible depth: controls, layout, resources, data binding, styling, graphics, animation, and more

¡¤ Features a chapter on 3D graphics by Daniel Lehenbauer, lead developer responsible for WPF 3D

¡¤ Delves into non-mainstream topics: speech, audio/video, documents, bitmap effects, and more

¡¤ Shows how to create popular UI elements, such as features introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Galleries, ScreenTips, custom control layouts,

and more

¡¤ Demonstrates how to create sophisticated UI mechanisms, such as Visual Studio-like collapsible/dockable panes

¡¤ Explains how to develop and deploy all types of applications, including navigation-based applications, applications hosted in a Web browser, and

applications with great-looking non-rectangular windows

¡¤ Explains how to create first-class custom controls for WPF

¡¤ Demonstrates how to create hybrid WPF software that leverages Windows Forms, ActiveX, or other non-WPF technologies

¡¤ Explains how to exploit new Windows Vista features in WPF applications

Register your book at for access to download all examples and source code presented in this book.

Category: Windows Programming

Covers: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), .NET Framework



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Essential reading for students and practitioners of urban design, this collection of essays introduces the 6 dimensions of urban design through a range of

the most important classic and contemporary key texts.

Urban design as a form of place making has become an increasingly significant area of academic endeavour, of public policy and professional practice.

Compiled by the authors of the best selling Public Places Urban Spaces, this indispensable guide includes all the crucial definitions and various

understandings of the subject, as well as a practical look at how to implement urban design that readers will need to refer to time and time again.

Uniquely, the selections of essays that include the works of Gehl, Jacobs, and Cullen, are presented substantially in their original form, and the truly

accessible dip-in-and-out format will enable readers to form a deeper, practical understanding of urban design.

*A compulsory element of all architecture courses, this in an ideal introduction to the classic theories

*Brings together, in one place, the key texts that provide the foundations of this increasingly significant discipline

*Includes a range of writing from the 1960's to contemporary work, ensuring a complete coverage of the development of the subject


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Now in its fifth edition, John C. Russ's monumental image processing reference is an even more complete, modern, and hands-on tool than ever before. The

Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition is fully updated and expanded to reflect the latest developments in the field. A companion CD-ROM to this edition is

available and includes more than 200 images along with a set of Photoshop®-compatible plug-ins that implement many of the algorithms described in the book

(for more information, visit Written by an expert with unequalled experience and authority, it offers clear guidance on how to

create, select, and use the most appropriate algorithms for a specific application. What's new in the Fifth Edition? ¡¤ A new chapter on the human visual

process that explains which visual cues elicit a response from the viewer ¡¤ Description of the latest hardware and software for image acquisition and

printing, reflecting the proliferation of the digital camera ¡¤ New material on multichannel images, including a major section on principal components

analysis ¡¤ Expanded sections on deconvolution, extended dynamic range images, and image enlargement and interpolation ¡¤ More than 600 new and revised

figures and illustrations for a total of more than 2000 illustrations ¡¤ 20% more references to the most up-to-date literature Written in a relaxed and

reader-friendly style, The Image Processing Handbook, Fifth Edition guides you through the myriad tools available for image processing and helps you

understand how to select and apply each one.



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User Interface Design for Mere Mortals takes the mystery out of designing effective interfaces for both desktop and web applications. It is recommended

reading for anyone who wants to provide users of their software with interfaces that are intuitive and easy-to-use. The key to any successful application

lies in providing an interface users not only enjoy interacting with but which also saves time, eliminates frustration, and gets the job done with a minimum

of effort. Readers will discover the secrets of good interface design by learning how users behave and the expectations that users have of different types of


Anyone who reads User Interface Design for Mere Mortals will benefit from

• Gaining an appreciation of the differences in the ¡°look and feel¡± of interfaces for a variety of systems and platforms

• Learning how to go about designing and creating the most appropriate interface for the application or website being developed

• Becoming familiar with all the different components that make up an interface and the important role that each of those components plays in communicating

with users

• Understanding the business benefits that flow from good interface design such as significantly reduced support costs

• Gaining invaluable insights into how users behave, including the seven stages of human interaction with computers

• Working through case study based, in-depth analysis of each of the stages involved in designing a user interface

• Acquiring practical knowledge about the similarities and differences between designing websites and traditional desktop applications

• Learning how to define, conduct, and analyze usability testing

Through the use of the proven For Mere Mortals format, User Interface Design for Mere Mortals succeeds in parting the veil of mystery surrounding effective

user interface design. Whatever your background, the For Mere Mortals format makes the information easily accessible and usable.



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Artists have aspired for centuries to master the technique of drawing the human figure. Live models have been studied in intricate detail in order to create

lifelike renderings. Today, advances in technology make it possible for artists to use virtual models, eliminating limitations that surround live models.

Poser Figure Artist from e frontier offers artists an incredible program that makes it easier than ever to conquer the art of the human form. Figure Drawing

with Virtual Models is your guide to getting the most out of Poser Figure Artist. You'll cover the basics of the human anatomy, including skeletal and

muscular structure, as you learn how to create and draw your initial figure. Working within Poser Figure Artist, you'll learn how to set and adjust your

model's pose, visualize the composition of your sketch, and make subtle changes to the lighting that surrounds your model. You'll also cover the pros and

cons of a dynamic model over a virtual model. The accompanying CD-ROM includes a 30-day trial version of Figure Artist as well as a QuickTime movie tutorial

and an interview with a practicing artist. Perfecting your figure drawing techniques has never been easier!


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Learn how to think before you animate. Thinking Animation is a one-of-a-kind book that emphasizes how artists can use traditional animation techniques and

principles with the computer generated animation technology of today. Written by seasoned animators with experience in both 2D and CG, Thinking Animation is

an exquisite guide aimed at experienced animators; however, the skills taught within are still accessible and valuable to the novice animator. This

full-color book includes numerous interviews with experienced contributing authors from a wide range of backgrounds, including stop-motion, visual effects,

traditional animation, and CG. Thinking Animation is non-software specific. It contains a history of the field of animation as well as insight into how CG

studios operate. It embraces the future of animating with the computer while still retaining the core values that traditional animators use as formulas and



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If you are a digital camera enthusiast jumping into enhancement and manipulation, and looking for quick answers, this easy-to use, ready reference is for

you. Its like having the author Philip Andrews sitting next to you, with his no-nonsense style, giving you practical, hands-on tips for getting striking

images using Elements 5.0.

Make the most of your digital photos with these guidelines from one artist to another. Philips clear, full color screen grabs detail step-by-step features in

actionin a real-world context. All content is completely revised and updated for Photoshop Elements 5.0.

With its clear and simple column format, you quickly learn how to troubleshoot as you develop your creations that will awe your colleagues, clients, family,

and friends. Color-coded tabs make it easy to locate each tool and feature; each entry is cross-referenced to help you build a fuller understanding of how to

use a tool, feature, menu, or invaluable shortcut key.

Packed with more than 1500 color images, insider tips, workarounds, and hidden gotchas, this book comes with FREE matching video tutorials for all editing

and enhancement tasks featured in the book provided on a companion website ( Practice with the downloadable images and support material

to put your new skills to use immediately. No more searching for an accompanying CD the resources and video tutorials are always available via the website no

matter where you are.

Philip Andrews is a professional photographer, accomplished teacher, and best-selling international author. He is an alpha tester for the software and a

Photoshop Elements Ambassador, making him one of Adobe's most trusted authors.

* Discover and master the tools and features in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 with this stunningly illustrated, full-color reference guide
* Have Philip sitting next to you, with this handy guide, written in his trademark no-nonsense style as he delivers hands-on tactics for Elements 5.0.
* Save time when trying to understand a function or toolsimply dip in and find the listing in this easy-to-use A-Z format
* Gain confidence with new features whether youre a beginner or intermediate
* Covers all the new features of Elements 5.0 and also can be used with any version of the software

Lists all the key tools and features of Photoshop Elements X - can be used with any version of the software

Save time with the colourful, easy-to-use A to Z format

Each entry lists shortcut keys, specifies which version of Photoshop Elements is applicable, includes screengrabs, clear step-by-step instructions of the

features in action and cross references to other relevant entries


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Improve your character animation with a mastery of traditional principles and processes including weight and balance, timing, walks, birds, fish, snakes,

four legged animals, acting and lip-synch. Traditional animation skills and techniques are presented in both 2D and 3D space. The companion CD features

demonstration animations and exercises conducted in each of the major animation packages including 3ds Max, LightWave, Maya, and XSI Softimage.

* Readers will achieve improved 3D animation with a practical understanding of foundational animation skills
* Theory is balanced with practical exercises in drawn and 3D animation.
* Companion CD-ROM includes short demonstration movies, 3D exercises, and 20 rigged models for practice.



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ActionScript is the native scripting language of Flash. ActionScript knowledge is essential within the world of Flash design and development, as Flash

remains a leading tool for cutting-edge interactive design and development. ActionScript is what gives Flash its power, but with that power comes a certain

level of complexity, which can be intimidating. This beginners book, significantly updated since the last edition, covers all of the basics of ActionScript

using the latest version of Flash, Flash 8. The skills acquired by working through this book will enable you to move on to more advanced friends of ED books

such as Foundation PHP 5 for Flash, Foundation ActionScript Animation or Foundation XML for Flash. This book contains all you need to understand and make use

of ActionScript, and to have some fun while learning. The Foundation series teaching style is ideal if youre a non-programmer who wants to learn Flash

programming quickly and thoroughly. The authors teach the basics, and provide you an all-around proficiency in ActionScript, as well as Flash components

within Flash 8. Youll gain the practical skills to build ActionScript based Flash projects, including making initial design decisions, structuring code, and

testing. An ongoing case study means that by the end of the book, youll have constructed a cutting-edge Flash site to showcase your newly learned skills.

Summary of Contents:
Chapter 1 Interactive Flash
Chapter 2 Making Plans
Chapter 3 Movies That Remember
Chapter 4 Movies That Decide for Themselves
Chapter 5 More Power, Less Script
Chapter 6 Movies That Remember How to Do Things
Chapter 7 Objects and Classes
Chapter 8 Objects on the Stage
Chapter 9 Reusable Code and Realistic Movement
Chapter 10 Games and Sprites
Chapter 11 Drawing API
Chapter 12 Adding Sound to Flash
Chapter 13 Loading Dynamic Data with XML
Chapter 14 Finishing the Futuremedia Case Study
Chapter 15 Advanced ActionScript: Components and Classes


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Many formal approaches for pattern specification are emerging as a means to cope with the inherent shortcomings of informal description. Design Pattern

Formalization Techniques presents multiple mathematical, formal approaches for pattern specification, emphasizing on software development processes for

engineering disciplines. Design Pattern Formalization Techniques focuses on formalizing the solution element of patterns, providing tangible benefits to

pattern users, researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners and students working in the field of design patterns and software reuse. Design Pattern

Formalization Techniques explains details on several specification languages, allowing readers to choose the most suitable formal technique to solve their

specific inquiries.



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In the early days of the Web a need was recognized for a language to display 3D objects through a browser. An HTML-like language, VRML, was proposed in 1994

and became the standard for describing interactive 3D objects and worlds on the Web. 3D Web courses were started, several best-selling books were published,

and VRML continues to be used today. However VRML, because it was based on HTML, is a stodgy language that is not easy to incorporate with other applications

and has been difficult to add features to. Meanwhile, applications for interactive 3D graphics have been exploding in areas such as medicine, science,

industry, and entertainment. There is a strong need for a set of modern Web-based technologies, applied within a standard extensible framework, to enable a

new generation of modeling & simulation applications to emerge, develop, and interoperate. X3D is the next generation open standard for 3D on the web. It is

the result of several years of development by the Web 3D Consortium's X3D Task Group. Instead of a large monolithic specification (like VRML), which requires

full adoption for compliance, X3D is a component-based architecture that can support applications ranging from a simple non-interactive animation to the

latest streaming or rendering applications. X3D replaces VRML, but also provides compatibility with existing VRML content and browsers. Don Brutzman

organized the first symposium on VRML and is playing a similar role with X3D; he is a founding member of the consortium. Len Daly is a professional member of

the consortium and both Len and Don have been involved with the development of the standard from the start.

* The first book on the new way to present interactive 3D content over the Web, written by two of the designers of the standard
* Plentiful illustrations and screen shots in the full color text
* Companion website with extensive content, including the X3D specification, sample code and applications, content creation tools, and demos of compatible

Web browsers


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Video game and feature-film artists have used 3ds Max to create Halo 2, King Kong, Myst V, and more. Now you can harness this popular animation software with

the clear, step-by-step instructions in this easy-to-follow guide. This book breaks down the complexities of 3D modeling, texturing, animating, and visual

effects. Clear-cut explanations, tutorials, and hands-on projects help build your skills and a special color insert includes real-world examples from

talented 3ds Max beginners.


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A newly updated and revised edition of the classic introduction to digital image processing

The Fourth Edition of Digital Image Processing provides a complete introduction to the field and includes new information that updates the state of the art.

The text offers coverage of new topics and includes interactive computer display imaging examples and computer programming exercises that illustrate the

theoretical content of the book. These exercises can be implemented using the Programmer's Imaging Kernel System (PIKS) application program interface

included on the accompanying CD.

Suitable as a textbook for students or as a reference for practitioners, this new edition provides a comprehensive treatment of these vital topics:

Characterization of continuous images
Image sampling and quantization techniques
Two-dimensional signal processing techniques
Image enhancement and restoration techniques
Image analysis techniques
Software implementation of image processing applications


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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Workflow: The Digital Photographer's Guide


Get the most out of Lightroom with Tim Grey as your guide by reducing the time and effort you spend storing, selecting, and editing your digital images.

Adobe¡¯s new Lightroom software, together with this practical guide, explains everything from importing and cataloguing to processing and archiving. Whether

you¡¯re a professional photographer or advanced amateur, you¡¯ll find ways to work efficiently with Lightroom in order to improve your productivity and get

the results you want.


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Photoshop CS3 Workflow: The Digital Photographer's Guide


If you¡¯re like most artists, the idea of structuring your work may seem at odds with true creativity, but you¡¯ll be surprised to learn from digital imaging

expert Tim Grey that just the opposite is true. This latest edition of his bestselling guide shows you how proper workflow can free you from the repetitive

parts of a project and let you focus on your vision. Discover techniques that streamline processes, reduce your time and effort, and produce striking



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Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists


It has been more than twenty years since desktop publishing reinvented design, and it's clear that there is a growing need for designers and artists to learn

programming skills to fill the widening gap between their ideas and the capability of their purchased software. This book is an introduction to the concepts

of computer programming within the context of the visual arts. It offers a comprehensive reference and text for Processing , an open-source programming

language that can be used by students, artists, designers, architects, researchers, and anyone who wants to program images, animation, and interactivity.

The ideas in Processing have been tested in classrooms, workshops, and arts institutions, including UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, New York University, and Harvard

University. Tutorial units make up the bulk of the book and introduce the syntax and concepts of software (including variables, functions, and

object-oriented programming), cover such topics as photography and drawing in relation to software, and feature many short, prototypical example programs

with related images and explanations. More advanced professional projects from such domains as animation, performance, and typography are discussed in

interviews with their creators. "Extensions" present concise introductions to further areas of investigation, including computer vision, sound, and

electronics. Appendixes, references to other material, and a glossary contain additional technical details. Processing can be used by reading each unit in

order, or by following each category from the beginning of the book to the end. The Processing software and all of the code presented can be downloaded and

run for future exploration.


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Advanced FPGA Design


This book provides the advanced issues of FPGA design as the underlying theme of the work. In practice, an engineer typically needs to be mentored for

several years before these principles are appropriately utilized. The topics that will be discussed in this book are essential to designing FPGA's beyond

moderate complexity. The goal of the book is to present practical design techniques that are otherwise only available through mentorship and real-world



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Master the power of Photoshop CS3 with an internationally renowned
photographer by your side. Adobes Photoshop CS3 comes with powerful new
features with huge payoffs. But it can be overwhelming to learn, even
for professional photographers, graphic designers, keen amateurs, and
others who already have an initial grasp of Photoshop. Acclaimed
photographer Martin Evening, who wrote the best-selling previous books,
'Adobe Photoshop for Photographers', makes it easy with this new,
thoroughly updated edition.

* Illustrated throughout with before-and-after pictures more than 750
professional, color illustrations!
* Practical techniques and real-life assignments
* Step-by-step tutorials
* Keyboard shortcut reference guide Includes FREE DVD with:
* QuickTime movie tutorials for MAC and PC
* Searchable tips on tools, palettes layer styles, and shortcuts
* Includes images selected for you to experiment with to get you up to
speed with everything in the book, including the new Photoshop CS3
features, fast!
* Updated Camera Guide to help you decide which will best suit your
needs, plus bonus Digital Capture chapter in printable PDF format
Uncover quickly exactly what Adobes CS3 now offers photographers. New
tutorials focus on the key features introduced in CS3. You lose no time
in finding out how to put your ideas to work with:

* Adobes Camera Raw 4 plug-in that can now also process TIFFs and JPEGs
* New Align controls for combining HDR images; Photomerge; new Clone
Stamp; Curves dialog that now incorporates Levels functionality; and
improved controls for Brightness/Contrast to match raw image processing
* The latest on Black and White adjustment, which provides all the black
and white conversion tools you need for optimum monochrome conversions
* A pros scoop on choosing from among dozens of Photoshops image
adjustment methods to get the results you want
* Tips on Bridge 2.0 and Lightroom when you should use each
* Top tactics for successful composite images, insider guidance on
editing shadows and highlight adjustments, and lessons on how to preview
and re-edit filter effects as many times as you want without complex
workarounds Get the preeminent advice from one photographer to another
as Martin completely updates you on the core aspects of working with
Photoshop, digital workflow, and improving accessibility. Real-life
examples, diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations ensure
that youre up to speed with the next generation of digital photography
in no time!


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