Master the power of Photoshop CS3 with an internationally renowned
photographer by your side. Adobes Photoshop CS3 comes with powerful new
features with huge payoffs. But it can be overwhelming to learn, even
for professional photographers, graphic designers, keen amateurs, and
others who already have an initial grasp of Photoshop. Acclaimed
photographer Martin Evening, who wrote the best-selling previous books,
'Adobe Photoshop for Photographers', makes it easy with this new,
thoroughly updated edition.
* Illustrated throughout with before-and-after pictures more than 750
professional, color illustrations!
* Practical techniques and real-life assignments
* Step-by-step tutorials
* Keyboard shortcut reference guide Includes FREE DVD with:
* QuickTime movie tutorials for MAC and PC
* Searchable tips on tools, palettes layer styles, and shortcuts
* Includes images selected for you to experiment with to get you up to
speed with everything in the book, including the new Photoshop CS3
features, fast!
* Updated Camera Guide to help you decide which will best suit your
needs, plus bonus Digital Capture chapter in printable PDF format
Uncover quickly exactly what Adobes CS3 now offers photographers. New
tutorials focus on the key features introduced in CS3. You lose no time
in finding out how to put your ideas to work with:
* Adobes Camera Raw 4 plug-in that can now also process TIFFs and JPEGs
* New Align controls for combining HDR images; Photomerge; new Clone
Stamp; Curves dialog that now incorporates Levels functionality; and
improved controls for Brightness/Contrast to match raw image processing
* The latest on Black and White adjustment, which provides all the black
and white conversion tools you need for optimum monochrome conversions
* A pros scoop on choosing from among dozens of Photoshops image
adjustment methods to get the results you want
* Tips on Bridge 2.0 and Lightroom when you should use each
* Top tactics for successful composite images, insider guidance on
editing shadows and highlight adjustments, and lessons on how to preview
and re-edit filter effects as many times as you want without complex
workarounds Get the preeminent advice from one photographer to another
as Martin completely updates you on the core aspects of working with
Photoshop, digital workflow, and improving accessibility. Real-life
examples, diagrams, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations ensure
that youre up to speed with the next generation of digital photography
in no time!
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