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Friday, July 17, 2009

Beginning Visual C++ 6

Beginning Visual C++ 6
Publisher: Wrox Press | ISBN: 186100088X | edition 1998 | PDF | 1131 pages | 8,13 mb

Visual C++ 6 is the latest incarnation of Microsoft's premier development product for C++ developers. It contains the latest version of the MFC&T (Microsoft Foundation Classes & Templates) which has virtually become the Industry-wide library used to write Windows programs. Visual C++ 6 also contains the Active Template Library 3.0 ( ATL ) , which is a framework and collection of Wizards for writing ActiveX & COM controls. This book is a tutorial in use of all the major functions of Visual C++ 6.Proven teaching methods guarantee success to novice C++ programmers with a complete tutorial from 'vanilla' C++ , through to OO programming, Windows and using MFC&T. Each concept is supported by graduated code examples and the reader will be coherent in writing a real Windows program and controls by the end of the book.


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