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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Essential SharePoint® 2007: Delivering High-Impact Collaboration

Essential SharePoint® 2007: Delivering High-Impact Collaboration

Essential SharePoint® 2007: Delivering High-Impact Collaboration

Product Description

Essential SharePoint® 2007 focuses on utilizing Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007 to improve collaboration and decision-making, streamline processes, and solve real-world business problems. Three leading SharePoint consultants systematically address the crucial success factors, intangibles, and “gotchas” in SharePoint deployment—showing exactly how to maximize business value and reduce project risk.

Drawing on their unsurpassed experience, the authors walk you through

planning and architecting successful SharePoint solutions around the

unique needs of your business. Next, they address the operational support

and end-user functionality needed to make SharePoint 2007 work—with

special attention given to the organizational and political issues that can

make or break your project. Learn how to:

  • Define optimal, workable collaboration strategies
  • Build SharePoint applications people want to use
  • Architect SharePoint infrastructure for superior performance, reliability, and value. Provide your customers with state-of-the-art sites, blogs, and wikis
  • Use SharePoint content management to integrate documents, records, and Web content, and make it all searchable
  • Implement forms-based workflow to optimize virtually any business process
  • Quickly build business intelligence solutions using Web-base dashboards and server-based Excel Services
  • Organize and staff SharePoint support teams
  • Migrate efficiently from SharePoint 2003

Whether you’re a project manager, consultant, analyst, line-of-business executive, or developer, this book helps you align your SharePoint project with your business strategy - and deliver quantifiable results fast.


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