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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wordware Advanced SQL functions in Oracle 10g,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
Product Description
Designed to exploit Oracle 10g’s SQL, this book takes a comprehensive look at Oracle 10g’s analytical functions, MODEL state-ments, and regular expressions. In addition, the book covers collection objects and object-oriented structures and introduces new Oracle 10g topics such as XML and statistical functions. The authors’ logical and developmental approach to query building includes a review of older Oracle tools to help in the transition to newer material.

Learn how to: * Format result sets with SQL*Plus reporting tools. * Use aggregate functions for partitioning, ordering, and reporting. * Perform calculations with the MODEL statement. * Search within strings using regular expressions. * Work with collection objects. * Handle XML within SQL.

About the Author
Dr. Richard Walsh Earp is a former chair of and former associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and a former dean of the College of Science and Technology at the University of West Florida in Pensacola. He has taught a variety of computer science courses including database systems and advanced database systems. Dr. Earp was also an instructor with Learning Tree International and worked for Computer Sciences Corporation at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola as a database consultant after his retirement from academia. He has co-authored several books with Dr. Bagui.

Dr. Sikha Saha Bagui is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of West Florida. She teaches a variety of computer science courses and conducts research on database design, data mining, pattern recognition, and statistical computing. Dr. Bagui has published many journal articles and co-authored several books with Dr. Earp: Learning SQL: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Oracle, Database Design Using ER Diagrams, and Learning SQL: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Access.


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