Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT (c) by Apress
The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 1590599853 and Pub Date: May 07, 2008
The size of the release is: 02 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 05/18/2008
The main focus of Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT is a case
study of a real Web 2.0 application called
What you’ll learn:
- You’ll take a full tour of a modern Web 2.0 startup’s codebase.
That’s 15,000 lines of source code that includes everything from Google
Gears integration to Acegi OpenID, Lucene full–text search, and Google
Maps, all of it integrated with GWT 1.5.
- Leveraging this book’s available source code, you’ll see the
nitty–gritty details of how to merge a modern Web 2.0 application stack
including Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC 2.5, SiteMesh, and Freemarker
- You’ll see how to wire GWT into an industry standard Maven build
environment, which will help you get up to speed quickly and avoid
configuration headaches.
- The great pitfall of many Ajax applications is they’re mostly opaque
to search engines. You’ll see the solution to this thorny
- Protection from XSS and XSRF attacks is beyond the scope of simple
GWT tutorials, but they are a real concern for a site like The book will cover the security
architecture in detail.
Who is this book for?
This book is for developers who are ready to move beyond small
proof–of–concept sample applications and want to look at the issues
surrounding a real deployment of GWT. If you want to see what the guts
of a full–fledged GWT application look like, this is the book for you.
GWT 1.5 is a game–changing technology, but it doesn’t exist in a bubble.
Real deployments need to connect to your database, enforce
authentication, provide protection from security threats, and allow good
search engine optimization. To show you all this, this book looks at the
code behind a real live web site called This application
specializes in helping students who are applying to colleges, allowing
them to manage their application process and compare the rankings that
they give to each school. It’s a slick application that’s ready for you
to sign up and use. The audience for this book either owns another GWT
book for the basic tutorials or is comfortable using the online
documentation and forums when they’re stuck, which allows this book to
move quickly and focus on answering the bigger architecture questions.
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