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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Data Mining for Design and Marketing

 Data Mining for Design and Marketing

Data Mining for Design and Marketing

Product Description
Data Mining for Design and Marketing shows how to design and integrate data mining tools into human thinking processes in order to make better business decisions, especially in designing and marketing products and systems.

The expert contributors discuss how data mining can identify valuable consumer patterns, which aid marketers and designers in detecting consumers’ needs. They also explore visualization tools based on the computational methods of data mining. Discourse analysis, chance discovery, knowledge discovery, formal concept analysis, and an adjacency matrix are just some of the novel approaches covered. The book explains how these methods can be applied to website design, the retrieval of scientific articles from a database, personalized e-commerce support tools, and more.

Through the techniques of data mining, this book demonstrates how to effectively design business processes and develop competitive products and services. By embracing data mining tools, businesses can better understand the behavior and needs of their customers.

About the Author
University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Japan Kansai University, Osaka, Japan


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