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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Business Intelligence for the Enterprise (IBM DB2 Certification Guides)

Business Intelligence for the Enterprise (IBM DB2 Certification Guides)
From the Back Cover
Making business intelligence work: Start-to-finish guidance for managers

This book offers a true enterprise view of business intelligence. IBM expert Mike Biere shows managers how to create a coherent BI plan that reflects the needs of users throughout the organization-and then implement that plan successfully. Biere explains how to objectively assess the business case for BI, and identifies proven solutions for the obstacles that lead many BI projects to fail. Coverage includes:

* Setting appropriate expectations and goals for your BI project
* Understanding how the key components of a complete BI solution fit together
* Designing effective BI solutions-including content management, handling unstructured data, and end-user segmentation
* Providing effective support for BI end users
* Introducing Corporate Performance Management (CPM): an executive’s view of BI
* Previewing tomorrow’s “next wave” in BI solutions
* Comprehensive checklists for planning your BI project

About the Author
MIKE BIERE is Worldwide Sales Specialist for Business Intelligence Analytics Tools for IBM Corporation. He has more than 20 years’ experience in business intelligence-related technologies, working in every stage of the BI project lifecycle, and in every role from sales and marketing to product development and technical support.


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