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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mac OS X Leopard Just the Steps For Dummies (Paperback) [ Rapidshare]

- Eliminates lengthy introductions, detailed explanations, and
sidebars, focusing on what new Mac OS X users want most-clear
instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks
- An easy-to-navigate landscape layout featuring a two-column design
and illustrated step-by-step instructions make it easy to find a
specific task fast and get it done in a flash
- Tasks covered include adjusting system preferences, creating and
managing user accounts, managing files and folders, using the Dashboard,
networking wirelessly with AirPort, using iTunes and iPods, connecting
to a Windows network, watching videos and DVDs, viewing and organizing
pictures with iPhoto, making movies with iMovie, blogging and Web
designing with iWeb, and using a .Mac account
- Published to coincide with Apple's release of Leopard



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