Free Ebook Video Training

Saturday, February 7, 2009

VTC MasterClass Adobe Photoshop HDRI Tutorials

HDRI, or High Dynamic Range Imaging, is the latest photographic and software technique sweeping the world. Robert Correll covers how to create artistically-oriented HDR from start to finish using Photomatix and Photoshop CS4. You’ll find out why HDR is a solution to the problem of limited dynamic range, see a workflow developed for the unique requirements of HDR, and learn how to select scenes with high HDR potential. You’ll also learn how to pre-process raw photographs in order to create 32-bit HDR files and then tone map the HDR in Photomatix (or in Photoshop CS4 using the Photomatix plug-in). To conclude, you will see several common HDR problems and how to overcome them in post-processing using Photoshop CS4 to achieve your artistic vision.


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