Get to know Photoshop and start using the newest, coolest techniques!
Whether you're just learning Photoshop or want to take your skills up a notch, you've come to the right place. Photoshop CS4 has a few new tricks up its sleeve, and Photoshop expert Peter Bauer will show you how to use them. From the basics like getting your images into and out of Photoshop to enhancing, cropping, and color correction, it's all here!
* Basic training — if you're a beginner, check this section for details on how to get started, get around, and get familiar with all the parts
* Enhancements made easy — learn about tonality, how to tweak color to natural perfection, how to isolate areas of an image for correction, and more
* Fixing those common problems — red-eye, wrinkles, people and objects that don't belong in the photo, and others
* But is it art? — explore the painting functions, master the daunting Brushes panel, and add layer styles
* Feel the power — create on-screen presentations, contact sheets, and more
Open the book and find:
* Explanations of the menus, panels, tools, options, and shortcuts you need most
* Tips for taking advantage of the Camera Raw file format
* How to fine-tune your fixes with selection tools
* What you can do with filters
* Steps for creating composite images
* Options for adding text to an image
* How to streamline your workflow
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