Effortless English Program 4 DVD [Audio,video,book] | 3204MB
Author: A. J. Hoge
Effortless English uses the best research in the world, from top experts such as: Dr. Stephen Krashen, Dr. James Asher, Dr. J. Marvin Brown, Dr. Ashley Hastings, Dr. Brenda Murphy, David Long and Blaine Ray. The research is clear-- students who use Effortless English are better speakers than students who use textbooks, grammar, and self-study only. In every country, in every possible situation, students who learn with Effortless English methods always win against students who use old methods.
The course give you
* The incredible Way to Learn Vocabulary and Grammar Without Study-- Listen & Answer Mini-Stories. These lessons are simple and amazing. You learn grammar and vocabulary without study or memorizing.
* The Deep Learning method that helps members use English automatically. No more translating. No more thinking. The words just come out.
* The way to learn English in a relaxing way by listening to real English articles about interesting topics.
* The way to avoid grammar study and instead learn grammar like children-- naturally.
* How my best students learn, how they study,-- and how you can learn English faster.
* How to raise your iBT TOEFL speaking and listening scores 20%, 30%, or even 40%.
* Lessons that help you learn English 4X faster.
VOl1 -Grammar for Beginer-Beginer Level English Lessons
Grammar is not the key to speaking English easily, and fast. The best English learners are children, of course. Why? Because they don’t study grammar and they don’t learn from textbooks. They use the Effortless English Rules. This "Effortless” method is very powerful. Very, very powerful!
When you use the Effortless Method, you learn excellent pronunciation. You learn vocabulary quickly and easily. You understand grammar automatically - without memorizing it. You don't translate when you listen or speak. You speak English fast, and easily. You feel strong and relaxed when you speak English.
When you use Effortless English lessons, you become a member of a community. You use the Effortless English lessons, you write to other members, you make friends all over the world, and you learn to speak English easily.
Here’s what the program gives you:
* The incredible Way to Learn Vocabulary and Grammar Without Study- Listen & Answer Mini-Stories. These lessons are simple and amazing. You learn grammar and vocabulary without study or memorizing.
* The Deep Learning method that helps members use English automatically. No more translating. No more thinking. The words just come out.
* The way to learn English in a relaxing way by listening to real English articles about interesting topics.
* The way to avoid grammar study and instead learn grammar like children - naturally.
* How my best students learn, how they study, - and how you can learn English faster.
* How to raise your iBT TOEFL speaking and listening scores 20%, 30%, or even 40%.
* Lessons that help you learn English 4X faster.
* How to meet other English speakers and talk with them.
When you download the mp3 lessons, you would get everything you need to speak English easily and fast:
Vocabulary Lessons
These are listening lessons, not reading lessons. You learn new vocabulary by listening to me discuss new phrases. You do not study lists in a textbook. You learn phrases by listening. You download these lessons and put them on your computer or iPod. You listen to them anywhere.
Listen & Answer Mini-Stories
Next, I use the powerful Listen & Answer method to teach you English automatically. You do not read the story, you listen to it many times and answer questions. This is the most powerful English lesson you will ever have. You learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in a completely natural way. You answer questions fast-- and automatically.
Point of View Story Lessons
Point of View lessons are next, and they are amazing. I teach you English grammar, but you do not study grammar rules. You learn English grammar naturally, like a native speaker. You don’t study grammar rules-- you learn grammar naturally, like a child.
Audio Articles
Next are real audio articles. These are real English articles about interesting topics. No text- books, and no textbook English. You improve your listening, vocabulary, and speaking by listening to these articles. It is automatic.
VOl2 -Flow English - Intermediate Level English Lessons
Flow English Lessons are the perfect addition to the Effortless English Lessons. Flow English Lessons focus mostly on deep learning of the past tense and the most common idioms. Flow English Lessons are also perfect for intermediate level learners who want to speak English faster, more easily, and more quickly.
Together, Flow English and Effortless English Lessons give you the perfect combination. You learn the most common idioms deeply. You learn the past tense deeply. You speak even faster. Flow English gives you the most common spoken English. Effortless English builds more-- giving you more advanced speaking and listening.
Of course, Flow English uses the same great system as Effortless English. You get the same great Vocabulary Lessons. You get the same great Text and Audio Stories. You get the same great Listen & Respond Stories. You get the same great Commentaries.
Imagine yourself in a coffee shop, talking with an American. You are relaxed and smiling because you are communicating easily. The words come out quickly. You feel no stress, no doubt, no worry. You are a strong and respected English speaker. Your friends are surprised because you are speaking English so well. You can do it.
VOl3 -"Success" Business English Lessons-Advanced Level English Lessons
These are not normal, boring Business English Lessons. "Success" teaches you how to improve your career, how to create a successful business, and how to make and save more money.
In these lessons you get:
* 8 complete lesson sets.
* The secrets to improving in your job or career
* The number one secret to success in business
* The "Effortless Success" audio-book, with text
* How to start your own small business
* How to market and grow your career or business
more info :http://www.effortlessenglishclub.com/
Vol4-Master Spoken English (Video course)
Designed as a self-teaching fluency-building phonics program, "Master Spoken English" provides comprehensive training via speech exercises and drills. Both fluent native speakers of English as well as those with basic English skills can watch this program to increase resonance, clarity, fluency, and expressiveness. The program provides a color-coded phonic system to aid viewers in the exercises. Word lists precede connected speech, with practice scenes (from actual movies) comprising the third and final level of training. The producers' skill and attention to details such as lighting, composition, and camera work create a program that is useful, informative, and visually pleasing. This is a fine work. Recommended.
# Practical, Intensive Speech Training
# in relaxed settings, for anyone who wants more command of spoken English.
# Comprehensive Training in speech exercises and pronunciation drills.
# A Phonic System that therapeutically realizes vocal energy and explores the musical values of speech.
# Dozens of Practice Scenes from two feature films with all the text on screen color-coded to the phonic system.
# All Original Animation detailing lip and tongue articulation, and points of vibration.
All Original Music that amplifies the phonic properties of the course.
Lesson 1: Structural Action
Lesson 2: Neutral Vowels
Lesson 3: Consonant Action
Lesson 4: More Consonant Action
Lesson 5: Connected Speech
Lesson 6: Intonation & Rhythms
Lesson 7: Practice Scenes
Lesson 8: More Practice Scenes
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