The following tutorial will teach you how to jailbreak your iPod Touch so that you can install third party applications on it such as Summerboard themes, fun games such as Tap Tap Revolution, and other useful applications such as ToDoList. Apple plans to release a SDK around February 2008, but those who can’t wait, this is the alternative.
Also, please do not use the jailbreak to install apps which do not have a license for the iPod touch, i.e. iPhone apps. This would be considered illegal. Also note, we are in no way affiliated with apple nor do we accept responsibility to any damage caused to your iPod as a result of this tutorial (although this happening is very unlikely).
First off let’s start off by explaining what the jailbreak does and the risks involved with applying a jailbreak. First and fore most, jail breaking an iPod is a tricky process, but if done correctly should work smoothly. After an iPod is jail broken you may install fun third party applications such as games, themes and other enhancements. There is the likelihood of a jailbreak messing up your iPod, but not to worry, there is always an option to restore in iTunes, or force restore it if all fails. So basically, you run no risk of permanently harming your iPod Touch. This however is not the case for the iPhone, which runs the possibility of being “bricked”. With that said, this jail break method is for the iPod Touch only, not the iPhone.
What You Need:
- An iPod Touch
- Wifi access
- iPod Touch firmware 1.1.1: Download here:
Password: AGMaster
Alternative Links:
- iPod Touch firmware 1.1.2: Download:
Password: AGMaster
Alternative Links:
- Jailbreak files: Download here:
Password: AGMaster
Alternative Links:
Here is all of them put together. I don’t recommend this (because you may not need firmware 1.1.2, thats over 150mb unnecessary usage).
- Computer with iTunes installed
- Note your iPod must be connected to your computer throughout this whole process. The only time where you need to disconnect it is at the end when you are done jailbreaking!
- Set the Auto-Lock to Never (Tap Settings > General > Auto-Lock > Never)
Step 1: Download All Required Files
- iPod Touch firmware 1.1.1
- iPod Touch firmware 1.1.2
- Jailbreak files
Step 2: Check the firmware
Tap Settings > Tap General > Tap About
If you are running 1.1.2, you must downgrade to 1.1.1. If you are currently running 1.1.1, skip the step below and continue reading from Step 4.
Step 3: Downgrade to 1.1.1
1) Connect your iPod to Your Computer.
2) When iTunes opens up, click on your iPod touch on the left column,
3) Hold down the shift key and click on the “Check for Update” button (Mac users hold down ALT instead).
4) Browse for the iPod Touch firmware 1.1.1 file you downloaded and open it. It should automatically update and restart your iPod.
Step 4: Jailbreak Your iPod on 1.1.1
1) Use Safari to browse to the following website:
2) Scroll Down and install AppSnapp. Your iPod will now automatically restart (if not hit the Home button on your iPod touch). Once done, you slide to unlock and you should now have the “Installer” application icon on your menu! Congratulations your are now have a jailbroken iPod touch. But we aren’t done quite yet; we need to upgrade back to firmware 1.1.2.
Step 5: Install Oktoprep & SSH
1) Tap the Installer icon.
2) Click on the “Install” icon on the bottom panel
3) Find the “Tweaks (1.1.1)” folder and tap it.
4) Now find “Oktoprep” for version 1.1.1 and tap it. Click on the “Install” button on the top panel and it should install.
5) You will now get a message stating that your iPod is ready to be upgraded to 1.1.2. Hit OK.
6) Hit the Home button (the physical button at the bottom of your iPod) to take you back to your menu. Your iPod should now automatically reboot. Slide to unlock it and set it down somewhere.
Step 6: Upgrade Firmware back to 1.1.2
1) Now Open iTunes up and click on your iPod touch on the left column,
2) Hold down the shift key and click on the “Check for Update” button (Mac users hold down ALT instead).
3) Browse for the iPod Touch firmware 1.1.2 file you downloaded and open it. It should automatically update and restart your iPod.
Step 7: Jailbreak Your iPod on Firmware 1.1.2
1) Close iTunes if it is still open (but make sure your iPod is still connected to your computer).
2) Hit Ctrl + Alt + Del to open up Task Manager and close all processes that have anything to do with Apple or iTunes. They will most likely have “apple” or “itunes” in their names. Here are some of the processes you may find: iTunesHelper, iPoddevice, AppleMobileDeviceService.
3) Extract all the files in the jailbreak zip file you downloaded earlier to a folder on your computer.
4) If you are on a Windows operating system, click on the “windows.bat” file. If your are on a Mac click on the “jailbreak.jar”.
5) On the popup that appears, tick off “Enable SSH” and leave the password as the default “alpine” unless you’re are a security freak, and hit “Jailbreak!”.
6) Now simply wait, your iPod may boot up several times, don’t disconnect it from your computer! Sometimes it appears to be done but there might be another boot up. So wait until all the reboots stop, i.e. until a good amount of time has passed after the last boot up before disconnecting it.
7) A message will appear on screen telling you that it is done jail breaking. Hit OK, wait and make sure it does not reboot again, and then disconnect it. Slide to unlock and volia! You are done. You now have a jail broken 1.1.2 iPod Touch!
Hopefully you followed all the steps and you made it to the end. If however you did mess up, here are two ways to restore your iPod touch back to factory settings:
First, if your iPod is still being recognized by iTunes when you connect it to your computer, you may want to try an iTunes restore.
If that doesn’t work, your sure fix method is to do a Force Restore.
And that’s a wrap. We hope you were successful in jailbreaking your iPod and use it to its full capacity. You can now use the Installer app to find applications you wish. As a word of caution, don’t install too many applications for it drain your iPod’s battery quicker. Also turn of SSH, as you will barely use it (tap SSH icon and slide it off) since it too will drain your battery. As a word of advice, do a google search of the app name before you wish to install it to see if any other people have had troubles with the app. Some apps may screw up your iPod and will leave you with no other option than to force restore. In future tutorials we will show you how to download some essential apps and themes to spice up your iPod. For now have fun playing around, and feel free to leave comments below!
Also make sure you check out this you tube profile page which has loads of great video tutorials of what to do once unlocked.
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