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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blueprint Reading: Construction Drawings for the Building Trade

Improve Your Ability to Read and Interpret . All Types of Construction Drawings

Blueprint Reading is a step-by-step guide to reading and interpreting all types of construction drawings. Filled with hundreds of illustrations and study questions, this easy-to-use resource offers a complete overview of construction drawing basics for every aspect of the construction process- from site work, foundations, and structural systems to interior work and finishes.. .

Covering all the latest technological advances, noted architect Sam Kubba offers detailed information on:

* . Blueprint standards-ANSI, ISO, AWS, and ASME .
* Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided design and drafting. (CADD).
* Lines, views, elevations, and dimensions.
* Layouts of all construction drawing types-architectural, structural,. mechanical, and electrical.
* Specifications-MasterFormat and UniFormat .
* Symbols-materials, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and others.
* How to avoid costly pitfalls on construction projects

You'll also find a glossary of terms for quick reference, convenient tables and charts for identifying symbols and abbreviations, and much more.. .

6.4M pdf

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