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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Adding a Filmic Glow to Your Footage Using After Effects

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Adding a Filmic Glow to Your Footage Using After Effects
with: Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer

Adding a Filmic Glow to Your Footage Using After Effects was created and produced by Trish and Chris Meyer. We are honored to host their material in the Online Training Library®.

One of Chris Meyer's favorite tricks is a technique for adding the glowing highlights and richly saturated colors often associated with footage shot on film. This trick originated as a way to compensate for the flatness of unaltered 3D renders, but it can be used to improve any source video, whether shot on DV, HDV, or even film. The effect can be achieved in many video editing and motion graphics applications using the same basic approach: duplicate the source footage, mix it back on top of itself using blend modes, then apply a blur or similar effect to the duplicate footage. In Adding a Filmic Glow to Your Footage Using After Effects, Chris shows a variety of approaches for setting up a filmic glow in After Effects.



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