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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Voice Specialist Certification Exam-Pack 640-460

Imagine yourself walking into a small business and showing them how to set up their voice and data networks. And then doing the setup for them. This will be you — once you’ve completed Jeremy Cioara’s CCNA Voice video series.

Jeremy’s training provides you with everything you need to know about setting up a Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone network for businesses of up 200 users.

VoIP Enriches Everyone
Employers everywhere are switching from PBX to internet-based VoIP systems. Why? Because the potential cost savings are huge. Using Cisco Unified Communications, organizations can merge their voice, data and video networks — often using their existing equipment.

But businesses aren’t the only ones making money from VoIP. It’s also lucrative for IT pros holding CCNA Voice certification. And because so many Cisco professionals don’t yet understand VoIP, isn’t it worth your while to become one of those who does?

Employers will value the efficiency you bring to their operations. Extension Mobility unshackles employees from cubicles. Open Architecture allows for multi-vendor equipment solutions. Internet Website integration keeps customers happy. And unified inboxes for voicemail, email and faxes simplify life for everyone.

Bridging the Gap to CCVP
CCNA Voice bridges the gap between CCNA and CCVP. So while you’re earning CCNA Voice certification and learning valuable on-the-job skills with Jeremy’s help, you’ll also be advancing towards even more marketable CCVP certification.

Jeremy knows how to make serious learning fun. Rather than just presenting information (generic syntax, tips, etc.), his series walks through a practical deployment of a VoIP network, step-by-step.

Cisco’s CCNA Voice exam uses real-world, scenario-based questions. Jeremy makes sure you’re ready for this type of test. You’ll actually see a network materialize before your eyes. Doesn’t that sound like a great way to learn?

Cisco CCNA Voice: Voice Specialist Certification Exam-Pack 640-460: IIUC Contents:

* Welcome to VoIP: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from This Series (free video)
* Welcome to VoIP: Voice in a Packet…What’s the Big Deal?
* Historic Voice: Understanding Analog Connectivity
* Historic Voice: Digital Connectivity
* Historic Voice: Digital Connectivity, Part 2
* Historic Voice: Legacy Voice Components and Connectivity
* Cisco VoIP: Understanding the Pieces of a Cisco Voice Network
* Cisco VoIP: Understanding the Pieces of a Cisco Voice Network, Part 2
* Network Foundations: Preparing the Infrastructure for VoIP
* Network Foundations: Preparing the Infrastructure for VoIP, Part 2
* Cisco CME: Hardware Requirements and Installation Process
* Cisco CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs
* Cisco CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs, Part 2
* Cisco CME: Ephones and Ephone-DNs, Part 3
* Cisco CME: Voice Productivity Features
* Cisco CME: Voice Productivity Features, Part 2
* Gateways and Trunks: Understanding Voice CODECs
* Gateways and Trunks: Connecting CME to Other Voice Systems
* Gateways and Trunks: Understanding and Configuring Dial Peers
* Gateways and Trunks: Understanding and Configuring Dial Peers, Part 2
* Gateways and Trunks: Manipulating Dialed Digits
* Cisco Unity Express: Hardware Requirements and Features
* Cisco Unity Express: Installation and Configuration
* Cisco UC500: The Ultimate All-in-One Data and Voice Device
* A Final Word to CCNA Voice Test Takers
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