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Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Millionaire Maker

Breaking into the bestseller club is especially hard in personal finance and investing … because any author who wants to compete in the financial big leagues needs a great, fresh idea; a proven track record; and a big, charismatic personality.
"Despite the tough requirements, the next few months promise not one, but two serious contenders for the title of Next Big Thing: Loral Langemeier and Phil Town. Both of them avoid the psych-heavy approach to personal finance.
"'Most people talk about psychology,' says Langemeier, 'and what's working/what's not working in their business. But [my team and I] really go tactical. We're truly planning through what we call a gap analysis: where people are, where do they need to go.'
"A go-getter from a young age, Langemeier started her first business while she was still in college. By 35, she was a multimillionaire. Her book, The Millionaire Maker (McGraw-Hill, Jan.), showcases the concepts she honed with her coaching-consulting company, Live Out Loud, which emphasizes aggressive, multilateral investing.
"'What we noticed,' she says, 'was that the millionaires who got created faster, it was how they sequenced. They got their assets invested; they learned to make more money; they were running their personal finances like a business-for profitability. They were incorporated; they had diverse assets. But they do it all pretty simultaneously. Whereas a lot of plans would say get out of debt then we'll work on it. We would never say that. It's too slow. It's not what millionaires do. Millionaires don't worry about a latte a day, you know.'
"So far [Langemeier and] Live Out Loud have made over 200 millionaires, and not one of her 10,000 clients has filed for bankruptcy".


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