Free Ebook Video Training

Friday, December 12, 2008

Instructional Bellydance with Jillina - Level 1

Jillina is a dancer of unsurpassed skill, a master choreographer and a professional dance instructor. Learn an energetic style that combines heavy, earthy movements with quick and sharp changes. Includes stretching, techniques, instruction, performance, and dance moves. Jillina’s workout is separated into several parts. There is a technique section, where you really practice individual moves. Then, you learn combinations. The combinations are drilled in, both without and with the music. The combinations are creative, challenging, and yet repeated enough. Finally, the combinations with variations are taught in a complete choreography. Jillina has a great sense of musicality, as the rhythms and trills of the music are perfectly matched by the moves. Jillina also includes a video of her performing this choreography for a live audience.
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