Free Ebook Video Training

Saturday, November 29, 2008


 Go from zero to sixty in just eight 30-minute modules. Starting with no prior VBScript experience, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start writing your own administrative scripts, including login scripts, basic configuration scripts, and more. This course provides the essential knowledge you need to master intermediate and advanced VBScript topics. Select modules are followed by a self-assessment opportunity, and all samples are attached directly to the presentation for your convenience.

Table of Contents
1. Introducing VBScript
2. Dealing with Data and Logic
3. Using VBScript Functions and Statements
4. VBScript Arrays
5. VBScript Function and Statement Roundup
6. Using the VBScript Documentation
7. Scripts that Think for Themselves
8. Scripts that Repeat Themselves
9. Introduction to Objects
10. The FileSystemObject
11. The WshNetwork Object
12. The WshShell Object
13. Designing Your First Script
14. Writing Your First Script
15. Debugging Your First Script
16. Bringing it All Together
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