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Monday, June 15, 2009

Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-big-search,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
Product Description
Developing complex software requires more than just churning out lines of code. As a software architect or developer involved in an industrial project, you must understand and be able to leverage critical software sub-disciplines such as architecture, analysis and design techniques, development process, visual modeling, and the underlying technology to be successful.

This book brings all these diverse elements together from the J2EE development perspective to provide a holistic approach for the reader. Specifically, this book tries to answer the following key questions:

· What is UML and how is it relevant to J2EE development?
· How do Java and UML relate to each other?
· What are the key concepts in software architecture?
· How does a software development process fit into the J2EE software development equation?
· How can analysis and design help you in arriving at a better J2EE application design?
· What are the key J2EE technologies, and how do they fit together?
· How can you leverage the UML for J2EE development?

Rather than reinvent the wheel, the approach taken in this book is that of bringing together known works such as Jim Conallen’s web modeling profile and the Sun Java Specification Request-26 for UML/EJB Mapping Specification.

To provide a practical illustration of the topics discussed, this book guides the readers through a sample J2EE application development project using the Rational Unified Process and the UML. A working implementation is provided. Suggestions for further enhancements are also listed to assist the readers in continuing their exploration of the UML and J2EE technologies.

Intended Audience

This book is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the UML and how it can be applied to J2EE development. Current J2EE application developers will learn how to apply the UML to J2EE application development. UML practitioners will benefit from learning about the J2EE in the context of the UML. And software professionals interested in learning both the UML and J2EE will be able to get to a productive state faster facilitated by the intertwined contextual discussion.

After reading the book, you will:
· Be able to effectively utilize the UML for developing J2EE applications
· Learn about the key J2EE technologies (EJB, JSP, Servlets) at a technical level.
· Know when to use Model 1 vs. Model 2 architecture, and situations where patterns such as value object and session bean chaining may be appropriate
· Understand software architecture concepts such as decomposition, layering, components, frameworks, patterns, and tiers
· Be able to apply techniques such as use case analysis, analysis object discovery, and analysis to design transformation to your J2EE project
· Understand the notion of software development process and the fundamentals of some of the currently popular processes
· Learn how to start using the Rational Unified Process for your J2EE project

This book only covers the Java language to the extent of providing a mapping of key Java concepts to the UML. Consequently, some familiarity with Java is assumed (knowing C++ or a similar language should be sufficient to get the basics out of the examples, though). Prior knowledge of, or experience with, the UML, J2EE, or enterprise application development is not a pre-requisite, but certainly helpful.

From the Back Cover

The Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE TM) offers great promise for dramatically improving the way that enterprise applications are built, and organizations that have adopted the J2EE are gaining a competitive advantage. The industry-standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) has helped countless organizations achieve software success through visual modeling. Together, the UML and J2EE form a powerful set of tools, but the intricacies involved with using them in tandem are considerable.

While UML is highly effective for specifying, designing, constructing, visualizing, and documenting software systems, J2EE offers enterprise developers a simplified, component-based approach to application development. However, when using the two technologies together, developers must first consider--and attempt to reconcile--the different characteristics of each.

Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE TM and UML examines the best ways to jointly leverage these technologies. Exploring concrete methods for completing a successful development project, the authors cover the use of UML and J2EE in detail. Using practical examples and a case study, they illustrate the pros and cons of specific design approaches, show how personal experience can affect design decisions, and demonstrate proven approaches for building better, software faster.

With this book as a guide, developers will be able to overcome the challenges in using UML and J2EE together, and be on their way to building robust, scalable, and complex applications.


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