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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Developing Web Applications With ASP.NET And C# (with source code)

book cover

This book will take the reader through the process of developing an entire suite of enterprise applications using the Framework. Specifically, we will go in depth on all key aspects of enterprise application development using the full power of ASP.NET and C#.

Each chapter will explain its topics by example, and at the end of the book, you will have an application that touches on many of the things that can be done in a Web application, and all in the .NET way. We believe that we can help the reader understand the theories behind the features of ASP.NET and, at the same time, give real-world examples that would likely be a part of a large-scale system. As each chapter progresses, we will add functionality to the overall system using the features that are relevant to the chapter.

In addition, we will include multiple ways of doing things, where applicable, because your applications will have different requirements. We won’t hold back on the .NET Framework either; although the book is specifically for teaching how to write ASP.NET Web apps, we will try to include as much of the base class functionality of .NET as we can while keeping with the overall sample. We will also try to do things in C# that show off the power and features of the language. We won’t try to keep the examples too simple for fear of the reader’s not knowing enough about the particular language. This is a book about C#, too, and it will include many nontrivial examples of the language throughout.

This book is for programmers looking for an in-depth look at ASP.NET. The concepts and examples provided range from beginner to advanced level.

All examples in this book were written using Visual Studio .NET, on both Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server. Before running any of the examples, make sure Internet Information Services is installed and running.

Chapter 01 - Making Sense of .NET
Chapter 02 - Anatomy of an ASP.NET Page
Chapter 03 - Server Controls
Chapter 04 - Database Access
Chapter 05 - Creating More Advanced ASP.NET Pages
Chapter 06 - Applying What We've Learned So Far
Chapter 07 - Web Services
Chapter 08 - Security and Membership
Chapter 09 - Adding E-Commerce Essentials
Chapter 10 - Debugging and Optimization

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ASP.NET Website Programming, C# Edition (with source code)

book cover

Welcome to ASP.NET Website Programming. In this book we will build an interactive, content-based website using expandable, interchangeable modules. By the end of the book you will have developed your ASP.NET skills for producing effective, well-engineered, extendable websites.

ASP.NET is a great tool for building websites. It contains many built-in features that would take thousands of lines of code in classic ASP. And it does not require admin rights in order to deploy compiled components - your whole site can be deployed in one folder.

This book will guide you through the bewildering features available to ASP.NET developers, highlighting the most useful and exciting.

The book concentrates on websites that focus on content. It does not show how to produce an e-commerce system, although a lot of the advice will apply to e-commerce sites. We could add a shopping basket module using the same foundations, for example.

This book is different to most Wrox books, because we build a single working website throughout the book. However, each chapter stands alone and shows how to develop individual modules, which you can adapt for your own websites. We also suggest a framework that allows us to create modules and slot them in to the website quickly and easily.

The book is for developers who have a reasonable knowledge of ASP.NET, and want to apply that knowledge to building websites. You will get the most from this book if you have read a decent amount of Wrox's Beginning ASP.NET using C#, or Professional ASP.NET and a C# book.

Chapter 01 - Building an ASP.NET Website
Chapter 02 - Foundations
Chapter 03 - Foundations for Style and Navigation
Chapter 04 - Maintaining the Site
Chapter 05 - Users and Authentication
Chapter 06 - News Management
Chapter 07 - Advertising
Chapter 08 - Polls
Chapter 09 - Mailing Lists
Chapter 10 - Forums and Online Communities
Chapter 11 - Deploying the Site
Chapter 12 - The End

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Essential ASP.NET With Examples in C#

 Essential ASP.NET With Examples in C#The Microsoft .NET Framework is exactly what its name implies: A general system onto which a lot of application-specific technologies are stuck. Essential ASP.NET With Examples in C# assumes you know something about the .NET way of doing things, and want to know more about how you can use its ASP.NET facet to implement robust and stylish Web applications. Fritz Onion, in a manner typical of this series, introduces key ASP.NET concepts logically, and with lots of code listings that make it clear how the concepts should be translated into reality. The truth be told, Onion excels at combining conceptual information with practical examples. This is unusual among writers of technical books, who tend to be good at (at best) one or the other.

Typically, the author approaches a capability of ASP.NET–validation of submitted form data, say–by presenting a quick summary of the problem and then attacking it (or components of it) with code. The code segments (which tend not to be too long, and so relatively easy to trace and comprehend) are then dissected, and special attention called to details of particular interest to the local problem. It's a great way to learn if you already have a grasp of the basics, as you can either go hands-on with your own system or absorb the author's wisdom through the book alone.

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C#: Your Visual Blueprint for Building .Net Applications

C#: Your Visual Blueprint for Building .Net Applications

Each step in this book is displayed with callouts to help you see exactly where the action takes place on the screen. This book covers over 100 tasks, including using attributes, operators, and classes; documenting code with XML, using arrays, building forms, programming Web services, using Windows designers and macros, troubleshooting, and editing.

Covers over 100 tasks, including using attributes, operators, and classes; documenting code with XML, using arrays, building forms, programming Web services, using Windows designers and macros, troubleshooting and editing.

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Pragmatic Unit Testing in C Sharp with NUnit

Pragmatic Unit Testing in C Sharp with NUnitLearn how to improve your C# coding skills using unit testing. Despite it's name, unit testing is really a coding technique, not a testing technique. Unit testing is done by programmers, for programmers. It's primarily for our benefit: we get improved confidence in our code, better ability to make deadlines, less time spent in the debugger, and less time beating on the code to make it work correctly. This book shows how to write tests, but more importantly, it goes where other books fear to tread and gives you concrete advice and examples of what to test–the common things that go wrong in all of our programs. Discover the tricky hiding places where bugs breed, and how to catch them using the freely available NUnit framework. It's easy to learn how to think of all the things in your code that are likely to break. We'll show you how with helpful mnemonics, summarized in a handy tip sheet. With this book you will: write better code, and take less time to write it; discover the tricky places where bugs breed; learn how to think of all the things that could go wrong; test individual pieces of code without having to include the whole project; and test effectively with the whole team. We'll also cover how to use Mock Objects for testing, how to write high quality test code, and how to use unit testing to improve your design skills. We'll show you frequent "gotchas" - along with the fixes - to save you time when problems come up. But the best part is that you don't need a sweeping mandate to change your whole team or your whole company. You don't need to adopt Extreme Programming, or Test-Driven Development, or change your development process in order to reap the proven benefits of unit testing. You can start unit testing, the pragmatic way, right away.

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Professional C# Programmer To Programmer, 3rd Edition (with source code)

book cover

C# is designed to work with .NET to provide a new framework for programming on the Windows platform. This comprehensive reference prepares you to program in C#, while at the same time providing the necessary background in how the .NET architecture works.

This book will equip you to program in C#, while at the same time provide the necessary background in how the .NET architecture works. We will not only cover the fundamentals of the C# language but also go on to give examples of applications that use a variety of related technologies, including database access, dynamic Web pages, advanced graphics, and directory access. The only requirement is that you be familiar with at least one other high-level language used on Windows—either C++, Visual Basic, or J++.

In this all-new third edition, you’ll be introduced to the fundamentals of C# and find updated coverage of application deployment and globalization. You’ll gain a working knowledge of the language and be able to apply it in the .NET environment, build Windows forms, access databases with ADO.NET, write components for ASP.NET, take advantage of .NET support for working with COM and COM+, and much more.

This book is for experienced developers who are already familiar with C++, Visual Basic, or J++. No prior knowledge of C# is required.

Part 1 - The C# Language
Part 2 - The .NET Environment
Part 3 - Windows Forms
Part 4 - Data
Part 5 - Web Programming
Part 6 - Interop
Part 7 - Windows Base Services

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C# 2005 For Dummies


The C# programming language is a powerful, relatively new descendant of the earlier C, C++, and Java languages. Programming with it is a lot of fun, as you’re about to find out in this book.

The goal of this book is to explain C# to you, but to write actual programs you need a specific coding environment. We’re betting that most readers will be using Microsoft Visual Studio, although we do provide alternatives. In basing the book on Visual Studio, we’ve tried to keep the Visual Studio portions to a reasonable minimum. we could just tell you, “Run your program any way you want,” but instead we may say, “Execute your C# program from Visual Studio by pressing F5.” We want you to be able to focus on the C# language and not on the mechanics of getting simple things to work.

We’ve made this book as easy to use as possible. Figuring out a new language is hard enough. Why make it any more complicated than it needs to be? The book is divided into six parts. Part I introduces you to C# programming with Visual Studio. This part guides you step by step in the creation of two different types of programs. We strongly encourage you to start here and read these two chapters in order before branching out into the other parts of the book. Even if you’ve programmed before, the basic program framework created in Part I is reused throughout the book.

Chapter 01 - Creating Your First C# Windows Program
Chapter 02 - Creating Your First C# Console Application
Chapter 03 - Living with Variability
Chapter 04 - Smooth Operators
Chapter 05 - Controlling Program Flow
Chapter 06 - Collecting Data — The Class and the Array
Chapter 07 - Putting on Some High-Class Functions
Chapter 08 - Class Methods
Chapter 09 - Stringing in the Key of C#
Chapter 10 - Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 11 - Holding a Class Responsible
Chapter 12 - Inheritance — Is That All I Get?
Chapter 13 - Poly-what-ism?
Chapter 14 - When a Class Isn’t a Class
Chapter 15 - Asking Your Pharmacist about Generics
Chapter 16 - The 10 Most Common Build Errors
Chapter 17 - The 10 Most Significant Differences between C# and C++

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Managing Microsoft’s Remote Installation Services

Managing Microsoft’s Remote Installation ServicesThe authors have been working with Remote Installation Services since its birth in 1999. We are really enthusiastic about working with it. From their experiences from very different customers with very different requirements to their Windows infrastructure environment, they have gained a tremendous deal of experience and in-depth knowledge with Remote Installation Services that other people can benefit from. This includes basic understanding, a lot of theory and best-practices, but also how you can stretch Remote Installation Services to really do what any system or network administrator would require. This information is essential for anyone wishing to implement Remote Installation Services and use the advanced features and tools it contains. There is much more than up grades, adding and deleting programs from a central administrator that can be done In addition it can save the cost adding a costly third party software package like Alteris to the enterprise network. This is the reason that the authors are now gathering all the experience and knowledge, and focusing on forming a single point of entry to everything you must know about Remote Installation Services in form of a book.
Note based on my (TRS) and reviewers comments the book will be over 320 pages as authors ad numerous consulting client examples and illustrations

Book is excellent companion to Windows and Exchange series and WMI books by Lissoir: Authors are top quality IBM Consultants

· Gives Network and Systems Administrators real tools to manage up grades, program modifications and system and security related tools
· Presents a balance of theory and methods with best-practices the authors have developed in their consulting work
· Shows how an enterprise can save the cost adding a costly third party software package like Alteris to the enterprise network

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Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET

 Learn how to apply the concepts and techniques of Test-Driven Development (TDD) to writing software for Microsoft .NET. Two experts in agile software development teach#151;using a wealth of pragmatic examples in C# and other .NET development tools#151;how to use automated tests to drive lean, efficient coding and better design. You'll focus on .NET-specific issues for TDD, including the best time to employ the inherent features of .NET class libraries and how to use NUnit, a leading unit-testing framework for .NET. And you'll see real-world examples of TDD-for .NET projects, including a Microsoft ADO.NET relational database, a user interface created with Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft Windows- Forms, Web services, and other useful applications.

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008

Language Integrated Query in C# 2008

LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ will premier in Visual Studio 2008, and will become the next must-have skill for .NET developers. For more information about LINQ, you can check out the author’s portal at

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is all about code.

Literally, this book starts with code and ends with code. In most books, the author shows the simplest example demonstrating how to use a method, but they so rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is different. Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of LINQ operators and protoypes, it is a veritable treasury of LINQ examples.

Rather than obscure the relevant LINQ principles in code examples by focusing on a demonstration application you have no interest in writing, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 cuts right to the chase of each LINQ operator, method, or class. However, where complexity is necessary to truly demonstrate an issue, the examples are right there in the thick of it. For example, code samples demonstrating how to handle concurrency conflicts actually create concurrency conflicts so you can step through the code and see them unfold.

Most books tell you about the simple stuff, while few books warn you of the pitfalls. Where Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 returns your investment is in the hours, and sometimes days, spent by the author determining why something may not work as expected. Sometimes this results in an innocent looking paragraph that may take you a minute to read and understand, but took days to research and explain.

Face it, most technical books while informative, are dull. LINQ need not be dull. Written with a sense of humor, Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 will attempt to entertain you on your journey through the wonderland of LINQ and C# 2008.

What you’ll learn

* How to leverage all the new LINQ relevant C# 2008 language features including extension methods, lambda expressions, anonymous data types, and partial methods.
* How to use LINQ to Objects to query in-memory data collections such as arrays, ArrayLists, and Lists to retrieve the data you want.
* Why some queries are deferred, how a deferred query can bite you, and how you can make deferred queries work for you.
* How to use LINQ to XML to revolutionize your creation, manipulation, and searching of XML data.
* How to query DataSets with LINQ to DataSet so you can co-exist with legacy code and use LINQ to query databases other than SQL Server.
* How to query Databases with LINQ to SQL, write your own entity classes, and understand how to handle concurrency conflicts.

Who is this book for?

This book is written for the proficient C# developer, but you do not need to be up on all the latest C# features to understand the material. When you finish this book, you will be up on all the latest C# features.



Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008, Second Edition

Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008, Second Edition

ASP.NET 3.5 is the latest version of Microsoft’s revolutionary ASP.NET technology. It is the principal standard for creating dynamic web pages on the Windows platform. Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 raises the bar for high–quality, practical advice on learning and deploying Microsoft’s dynamic web solution.

Seasoned .NET professionals Matthew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta explain how you can get the most from this groundbreaking new technology. They cover ASP.NET 3.5 as a whole, illustrating both the brand–new features and the functionality carried over from previous versions of ASP. This book will give you the knowledge you need to code real ASP.NET 3.5 applications in the best possible style.

The book will teach you ASP.NET 3.5 starting with core concepts to more advanced topics. You will learn

* Core concepts of ASP.NET 3.5. Why it’s special. What it’s fundamental principals are. The basics of Visual Studio. How ASP.NET 3.5 controls are created, and how they fit into ASP.NET 3.5 pages, ultimately creating full applications
* Data access details. The intricacies of ADO.NET and how to perform data binding to many sources from databases to file streams to XML. We include LINQ coverage so you’re on the bleeding edge
* Security. Once considered the Achilles heel of all Windows web applications, security has vastly improved and is a cornerstone of ASP.NET 3.5. This section explains the various forms of available security, and how to best apply them
* Taking things further using advanced user interface techniques. This includes user controls, customer server controls, client–side JavaScript, and GDI+.
* Web services. In an increasingly connected world, working with web services grows in importance. This book will show you how to work with them.
* ASP.NET AJAX, with an emphasis on comtemporary web development techniques
* Development using Internet Information Services 7, Microsoft’s premier web hosting platform.
* And much more.

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Learn C Sharp Includes the C Sharp 3.0 Features - Wordware

Learn C Sharp Includes the C Sharp 3.0 Features - Wordware The type of the release is: eBook

In the PDF format with ISBN: 1598220357 and Pub Date: August 31, 2007
The size of the release is: 02 disks x 1.44mb
And released on: 12/07/2007

Learn C# presents the C# programming language. It covers the language
features introduced in Visual Studio versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, with an
emphasis on the powerful features introduced in C# 2.0 and the great
enhancements introduced in C# 3.0. The book demonstrates each language
feature with ready-to-run examples and drills. Each chapter ends with a
summary of the key points learned in that chapter.

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Beginning C# 2005 Databases (with source code)


In this book you learn everything you need to know about developing C# applications that access databases. If you are wondering why this is such an important topic, just consider how many applications use the functionality. At first glance, you might notice a few specialized ones such as Windows applications to view and edit human resources data or Web applications that display recent sport results. Look a bit deeper, however, and you quickly find that the vast majority of applications use database data in one form or another, even if it isn’t immediately obvious.

This book is the perfect starting point to learn about databases, and particularly about using MS SQL Server from .NET 2.0 applications written in C#. Over the course of the book, you learn the fundamentals of database technology, how the .NET Framework can be used to access databases, and how to get the most out of your code. Along the way you are presented with numerous helpful, easy-to-follow examples that demonstrate the techniques you need. Each example increases your understanding of a particular subject, and often provides you with tips and tricks that you can adapt to different contexts in the future. Each chapter also includes exercises to reinforce key concepts, the answers to which are found at the back of the book.

The main idea behind the book is to present you with a solid understanding of the basics of database access in C#. You’ll also be exposed to many possibilities for future development. You will often learn about quite complicated techniques, but they are broken into simple steps and carefully explained. These explanations provide an appreciation for what is possible, and prepare you for handling additional resources about these subjects when you’ve finished the book. And you’ll be able to do that without facing instant despair at attempting to learn about a completely new subject because you’ll already know the basics of what you are doing.

This book is aimed at people who already have at least a basic understanding of .NET development with C# and who want to learn about databases and database access. The C# code used in the examples in this book is described in detail only in cases where it is quite advanced, or where it’s an area you might not have looked at before. However, no experience with databases is assumed, so the database code you write (using ADO.NET) is explained from first principles. Databases themselves are explained, as well as the SQL language used to access them. This book is perfect for you if the word “database” is one that you’ve heard only in passing.

Chapter 01 - Database Fundamentals
Chapter 02 - Databases and C#
Chapter 03 - Viewing Data
Chapter 04 - Modifying Data
Chapter 05 - Databases and the Internet
Chapter 06 - Accessing Databases Programmatically
Chapter 07 - Views and Stored Procedures
Chapter 08 - Custom Data Objects
Chapter 09 - Transactions and Concurrency
Chapter 10 - Working with Disconnected Data
Chapter 11 - SQL Server CLR Integration
Appendix A - Installation
Appendix B - Database Installation
Appendix C - Answers to Exercises

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Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional

Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional This book is for anyone who wants to write good C# 2008 code – even if you have never programmed before.

Writing good code can be a challenge, there are so many options, especially in a language like C#. If you want to really get the best from a programming language you need to know which features work best in which situations and understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is this understanding that makes the difference between coding and coding well.

Beginning C# 2008 has been written to teach you how to use the C# programming language to solve problems. From the earliest chapters, and from the first introductory concepts, you' ll be looking at real-world programming challenges and learning how C# can be used to overcome them. As you progress through the book the problems become more involved and interesting while the solutions become correspondingly more complex and powerful as C# features interact to achieve the results that you want.

By the time you've finished reading this book and worked through the sample exercises, you'll be a confident and very competent C# programmer. You will still have many explorations of the .NET Framework API to look forward to in your future career, but you will have a firm foundation to build from and you will know exactly where to go to find the things that you need to progress confidently in your projects.

What you will learn

  • Everything to get you started with C# 2008 from scratch – from installing the tools to writing your first applications.
  • All the core concepts of .NET 3.5 programming: from decision trees to data structures, exceptions to lambda expressions and from objects to components.
  • Learn what LINQ is, why functional programming can be important, how generics make your life easier and much, much, more!

Who is this book for?

This book is for anyone who's just starting out to learn about C#. It doesn't assume any prior knowledge of object-oriented programming, of the .NET Framework, or of coding in general. It simply assumes that you're an intelligent person who wants to learn and starts the journey from there.

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Accelerated C# 2008

Accelerated C# 2008

C# 2008 offers powerful new features, and Accelerated C# 2008 is the fastest path to mastering them, and the rest of C#, for both experienced C# programmers moving to C# 2008 and programmers moving to C# from another object-oriented language. Many books introduce C#, but very few also explain how to use it optimally with the .NET common language runtime (CLR). This book teaches both core C# language concepts and how to wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patterns to exploit the power of C# and the CLR.
This book is both a rapid tutorial and a permanent reference. You’ll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. You’ll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the right way, right from the start?

* Comprehensively and concisely explains both C# 2005 and C# 2008 features
* Focuses on the language itself and on how to use C# 2008 proficiently for all .NET application development
* Concentrates on how C# features work and how to best use them for robust, high-performance code.

What you’ll learn
o How C# works with and exploits the CLR
o How to use arrays, collections, and iterators
o How to handle events with delegates and anonymous functions
o How to design and use generic types and methods
o How to thread efficiently and robustly
o How the new C# 2008 anonymous types, lamba expressions, and extension methods work and how to use them

Who is this book for?
If you’re an experienced C# programmer, you need to understand how C# has changed with C# 2008. If you're an experienced object-oriented programmer moving to C#, you want to ramp up quickly in the language while learning the latest features and techniques. In either case, this book is for you. The first three chapters succinctly present C# fundamentals, for those new to or reviewing C#. The rest of the book covers all the major C# features, in great detail, explaining how they work and how best to use them. Whatever your background or need, you'll treasure this book for as long as you code in C# 2008.

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Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# (Paperback)

Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# shows how to design and create stunning professional reports with the SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Reporting Services.

  • The only comprehensive guide to client-side Reporting Services
  • Practical, step-by-step instruction on designing, developing, and deploying real-world reports
  • Quickly turns beginners into sophisticated report writers
  • Gives expert tips on handling complex reporting scenarios

The power of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is now available for client-side reporting in Visual Studio 2005, with or without SQL Server. This hands-on guide takes you step by step through the design, development, and deployment of a variety of professional reports for Windows, web, and mobile clients. It is the most complete single source of information on this exciting and important new technology.

What you'll learn

  • Discover the huge potential and utility of client-side reporting.
  • See how to use Report Builder and Report Viewer like a pro.
  • Master reporting with Windows Forms, ASP.NET 2.0 Web Forms, and Mobile Clients.
  • Learn how to automate reports with Windows Services.
  • Explore server-side Reporting Services and consume them from local clients.
  • Move from Crystal Reports to Reporting Services.

Who is this book for?

Any VS user with any kind of reporting need can now easily create professional, enterprise-level reports with Reporting Services. Report designers, report writers, business analysts, and decision-makers will all find that Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# empowers them to get the information they need–when and how they want it. Since VS and SQL Server now share the same reporting interface, VS users will also become comfortable with server-side reporting, while SQL Server developers and DBAs will see how they can leverage their server-side expertise for client-side reporting.

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Accelerated C Sharp 2008 - Apress

Accelerated C Sharp 2008 - Apress C# 2008 offers powerful new features, and Accelerated C# 2008 is the

fastest path to mastering them, and the rest of C#, for both experienced
C# programmers moving to C# 2008 and programmers moving to C# from
another object-oriented language. Many books introduce C#, but very few
also explain how to use it optimally with the .NET common language
runtime (CLR). This book teaches both core C# language concepts and how
to wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patterns to
exploit the power of C# and the CLR. This book is both a rapid tutorial
and a permanent reference. You'll quickly master C# syntax while
learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. You'll also
learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable,
and robust. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to
design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the
right way, right from the start?
- Comprehensively and concisely explains both C# 2005 and C# 2008
- Focuses on the language itself and on how to use C# 2008
proficiently for all .NET application development
- Concentrates on how C# features work and how to best use them for
robust, high-performance code.

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Programming C# 3.0 5th Edition

Programming C#  3.0 5th EditionThis thoroughly updated tutorial for beginning to intermediate programmers covers C# 3.0 and the newest .NET platform for developing Windows and web applications. Now in its fifth edition, our bestselling Programming C# 3.0

teaches the essentials of the C# and the .NET Framework Class Libraries, and explains how to use these tools to create applications for Windows, as well as for the Web.

Written by popular author and .NET expert Jesse Liberty, this thoroughly updated tutorial for beginning to intermediate programmers covers the latest release of Microsoft's popular C# language (C# 3.0) and the newest .NET platform for developing Windows and web applications.

Our bestselling Programming C# 3.0, now in its fifth edition, is a world-class tutorial that goes well beyond the documentation otherwise available. Liberty doesn't just teach C#; he tells the complete story of the C# language and how it integrates with all of .NET programming, so that you can get started creating professional quality web and Windows applications.
This book:

  • Provides a comprehensive tutorial in C# and .NET programming that also serves as a useful reference you'll want by your side while you're working
  • Covers all of the new features of the language, thoroughly integrated into every chapter, rather than tacked on at the end
  • Provides insight into best practices and insight into real world programming by a professional programmer who worked with C# as an independent contractor for nearly a decade before joining Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager
  • Every chapter in this book has been totally revised, and the entire book has been reorganized to respond to the significant changes in the language
  • Full coverage, from the ground up of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and other C# 3.0 language innovations to speed up development tasks
  • Explains how to use C# in creating Web Applications as well as Windows Applications, using both the new Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the older WinForms technology

This new edition of Programming C# 3.0 is for working programmers who want to develop proficiency in Microsoft's most important language. No prior .NET experience is required for you to get started. There's no time like the present to work with C# — and no book like this one to teach you everything you need to know.

Special note to VB6 and Java programmers: if you've decided to transition to .NET, this book will take you there.

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Unlocking Microsoft C# V 2.0 Programming Secrets

Unlocking Microsoft C# V 2.0 Programming SecretsThis text is a handbook of instructions written for the programmer or analyst that shows how to insert common algorithmic functions in C# into one's source code. The code is listed on a companion CD for easy transfer to one's current C# program. The first 12 chapters discuss specifics of the Visual C# complier: the integrated developer environment (IDE); moving projects from one location to another; passing information between windows; Visual C# code placement; classes, constructors, overloading, and helps; data types and declarations; conversions between data types; string manipulation and on-line data storage; branching and looping; and arithmetic.

Beginning C# 2008 Databases: From Novice to Professional

Beginning C# 2008 Databases: From Novice to ProfessionalAssuming only basic knowledge of C# 2008, Beginning C# 2008 Databases teaches all the fundamentals of database technology and database programming readers need to quickly become highly proficient database users and application developers.

A comprehensive tutorial on both SQL Server 2005 and ADO.NET 3.0, Beginning C# 2008 Databases explains and demonstrates how to create database objects and program against them in both T-SQL and C#. Full of practical, detailed examples, it’s been fully revised and updated for C# 2008 and offers the most complete, detailed, and gentle introduction to database technology for all C# programmers at any level of experience.

  • Comprehensively and concisely explains fundamental database concepts and programming techniques
  • Rich in working examples of both T-SQL and C# programs
  • Covers all the features most database programming ever requires

What you’ll learn

  • How relational databases work and how to use them
  • How C# uses ADO.NET to access databases
  • How to write stored procedures in T-SQL and call them from C# programs
  • How to use XML in database applications
  • How to use LINQ to simplify C# database programming
  • How to install SQL Server 2005 Express and Visual C# 3.0
  • Express and use them to teach yourself database programming by doing it

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C# 3.0 Design Patterns

C# 3.0 Design PatternsIf you want to speed up the development of your .NET applications, you're ready for C# design patterns — elegant, accepted and proven ways to tackle common programming problems. This practical guide offers you a clear introduction to the classic object-oriented design patterns, and explains how to use the latest features of C# 3.0 to code them. C# Design Patterns draws on new C# 3.0 language and .NET 3.5 framework features to implement the 23 foundational patterns known to working developers. You get plenty of case studies that reveal how each pattern is used in practice, and an insightful comparison of patterns and where they would be best used or combined. This well-organized and illustrated book includes: An explanation of design patterns and why they're used, with tables and guidelines to help you choose one pattern over another Illustrated coverage of each classic Creational, Structural, and Behavioral design pattern, including its representation in UML and the roles of its various players C# 3.0 features introduced by example and summarized in sidebars for easy reference Examples of each pattern at work in a real .NET 3.5 program available for download from O'Reilly and the author's companion web site Quizzes and exercises to test your understanding of the material. With C# 3.0 Design Patterns, you learn to make code correct, extensible and efficient to save time up front and eliminate problems later. If your business relies on efficient application development and quality code, you need C# Design Patterns.

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C# 3.0 Cookbook 3rd Edition

C#  3.0 Cookbook 3rd EditionCompletely updated for C# 3.0 and the .NET 3.5 platform, the new edition of this bestseller offers more than 250 code recipes to common and not-so-common problems that C# programmers face every day. Every recipe in the book has been reconsidered with more than a third of them rewritten to take advantage of new C# 3.0 features. If you prefer solutions you can use today to general C# language instruction, and quick answers to theory, this is your book.

C# 3.0 Cookbook offers a new chapter on LINQ (language integrated query), plus two expanded chapters for recipes for extension methods, lambda functions, object initializers, new synchronization primitives and more. The new edition is also complemented by a public wiki, which not only includes all of the C# 2.0 recipes from the previous edition unchanged by the release of C# 3.0, but invites you to suggest better ways to solve those tasks.Here are some of topics covered:

  • LINQ
  • Numeric data types and Enumerations
  • Strings and characters
  • Classes and structures
  • Generics
  • Collections
  • Exception handling
  • Delegates, events, and lambda expressions
  • Filesystem interactions
  • Web site access
  • XML usage (including LINQ to XML, XPath and XSLT)
  • Networking
  • Threading
  • Data Structures & Algorithms

Each recipe in the book includes tested code that you can download from and reuse in your own applications, and each one includes a detailed discussion of how and why the underling technology works. You don't have to be an experienced C# or .NET developer to use C# 3.0 Cookbook. You just have to be someone who wants to solve a problem now, without having to learn all the related theory first.

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Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C Sharp - Apress

Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C Sharp - ApressClient-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# shows how to design and create stunning professional reports with the SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Reporting Services.
  • The only comprehensive guide to client-side Reporting Services
  • Practical, step-by-step instruction on designing, developing, and deploying real-world reports
  • Quickly turns beginers into sophisticated report writers
  • Gives expert tips on handling complex reporting scenarios

The power of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is now available for client-side reporting in Visual Studio 2005, with or without SQL Server. This hands-on guide takes you step by step through the design, development, and deployment of a variety of professional reports for Windows, web, and mobile clients. It is the most complete single source of information on this exciting and important new technology.

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Visual C# 2005 Demystified

Visual C# 2005 DemystifiedVisual C# 2005 Demystified explains the language and its libraries and applications as well as how to use the integrated development environment. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam. Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for advanced students, this is a lively and entertaining brush-up, introductory text, or classroom supplement.

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Your First Windows Program
Chapter 2: Writing Your First Code
Chapter 3: Controls
Chapter 4: Storing Information — Data Types and Variables
Chapter 5: Letting the Program Do the Math — Arithmetic Operators
Chapter 6: Making Comparisons — Comparison and Logical Operators
Chapter 7: Making Choices — if and switch Control Structures
Chapter 8: Repeating Yourself — Loops and Arrays
Chapter 9: Organizing Your Code with Methods
Chapter 10: Helper Forms
Chapter 11: Menus
Chapter 12: Toolbars
Chapter 13: Accessing Text Files
Chapter 14: Databases
Chapter 15: Web Applications

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Pro WPF in C# 2008: WPF with .NET 3.5, 2nd Edition: WPF In.NET 3.5

Pro WPF in C# 2008: WPF with .NET 3.5, 2nd Edition: WPF In.NET 3.5

The Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation provides the foundation for building applications and high–quality user experiences in Windows Vista. WPF blends application user interface, documents, and media content to provide richer control, design, and development of the visual aspects of Windows programs.

Author Matthew MacDonald shows you how WPF really works. His no–nonsense, practical advice will get you building high–quality WPF applications quickly and easily. MacDonald will take you through a thorough investigation of the more advanced aspects of WPF, and its relation to other elements of the WinFX stack and the .NET Framework 3.5, to complete your understanding of WPF and C# 2008.

WPFs functionality extends to support for Tablet PCs and other forms of input device, and provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline, accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data–driven UI and visualization, as well as the integration points for weaving the application experience into the Windows shell.

What you’ll learn

  • WPF basics: XAML, layout, control essentials, and data flow
  • WPF applications: Navigation, commands, localization, and deployment
  • Advanced controls: Custom controls, menus, toolbars, and trees
  • WPF documents: Text layout, printing, and document packaging
  • Graphics and multimedia: Drawing shapes, sound and video, animation, geometric transformations, and imaging

Who is this book for?

Developers encountering WPF and .NET 3.5 for the first time in their professional lives

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Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#

Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#This book teaches new methods for specifying, analyzing, and testing software; essentials for creating high-quality software. These methods increase the automation in each of these steps, making them more timely, more thorough, and more effective. The authors work through several realistic case studies in-depth and detail, using a toolkit built on the C# language and the .NET framework. Readers can also apply the methods in analyzing and testing systems in many other languages and frameworks. Intended for professional software developers including testers, and for university students, this book is suitable for courses on software engineering, testing, specification, or applications of formal methods.

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Visual C# 2005: A Developer’s Notebook (with source code)


A Developer's Notebook is just what it claims to be: the often-frantic scribbling and notes that a true-blue alpha geek mentally makes when working with a new language, API, or project. It's the no-nonsense code that solves problems, stripped of page-filling commentary that often serves more as a paperweight than an epiphany. It's hackery, focused not on what is nifty or might be fun to do when you've got some free time (when's the last time that happened?), but on what you need to simply "make it work." This isn't a lecture, folksit's a lab. If you want a lot of concept, architecture, and UML diagrams, I'll happily and proudly point you to our animal and nutshell books.

If you want every answer to every problem under the sun, our omnibus cookbooks are killer. And if you are into arcane and often quirky uses of technology, hacks books simply rock. But if you're a coder, down to your core, and you just want to get on with it, then you want a Developer's Notebook. Coffee stains and all, this is from the mind of a developer to yours, barely even cleaned up enough for print. I hope you enjoy it…we sure had a good time writing them.

This book is written for programmers who are already familiar with previous version of C# (C# 1.0 or 1.1) and who have used a previous version of Visual Studio .NET (either 2002 or 2003) to build Windows (Windows Forms) or web-based (ASP.NET) applications. My aim is to introduce you, through a series of hands-on labs, to the new features of the C# 2.0 language, the .NET 2.0 Framework, and the Visual Studio 2005 developer environment.

This book does not try to be exhaustive when it comes to building Windows and web applications with the .NET 2.0 Framework or the Visual Studio 2005 developer environment. The goal is to introduce you to what is new in the language, the development environment, and the class libraries, and to equip you for further exploration of those areas that are likely to be of interest to you.

Chapter 1 - C# 2.0
Chapter 2 - Visual Studio 2005
Chapter 3 - Windows Applications
Chapter 4 - Web Applications
Chapter 5 - Data

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Illustrated C# 2008 (Expert’s Voice in .Net)

Illustrated C# 2008 (Expert’s Voice in .Net)The unique, visual format of Illustrated C# 2008 has been specially created by author, and teacher of development methods, Daniel Solis. The concise text, use of tables to clarify language features, frequent figures and diagrams, as well as focused code samples all combine to create a unique approach that will help you understand and get to work with C# fast.

It was while teaching numerous seminars on various programming languages that the author realized the immense power diagrams have in explaining programming language concepts. Most people learn quicker and retain information better when the material is presented in a clean, simple, visual format. To achieve this result in his book, Solis uses concise text and bulleted lists, tables to clarify and summarize language features, as well as his renowned, ubiquitous figures and diagrams. Each language feature is illustrated with a concise and focused code sample for complete clarity.

Following an overview of the .NET platform and the role played by C#, you’ll soon move into exploring the C# language in its entirety, including all the new C# 2008 features right down to the most complex topics involved in C#. If you’re a C++ or VB programmer migrating to C# 2008, this book will be invaluable; the unique visual approach offers a far from lightweight treatment of C# 2008, so even the most experienced programmers will come away with a deeper understanding of the C# language.

What you’ll learn

  • Details of the C# 2008 language presented in a clear, concise treatment
  • New features in the latest version of .NET, in the author’s unique visual style
  • How C# differs from and is similar to other programming languages, aiding migrating C++ and VB programmers who already know how languages work

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Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C#

This book is special, because for the first time you get an easy-to-follow set of code and design standards that addresses the basic needs of .NET developers and application architects. The material is presented in a “what, why, where, and how” format, so it’s easy to understand a given topic and apply the solution. The format facilitates fast understanding and quick reference—just what you need when you’re under pressure. The authors have done the research for you, and they identify and discuss common options. Where there is a choice, there is analysis to guide you.

Techniques are reusable across all versions of .NET and beyond. Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C# is intuitive and based on industry best practices. While it showcases the C# language, its universal style makes it suitable for all .NET development projects, whatever the language.Download Here

C Sharp 3.0 Design Patterns

This is a good rehash of the Gang of Four patterns, reworked in C# 3.0. The book's fairly concise and most patterns are clearly laid out with a simplistic example to demonstrate the basics of the patterns followed by a more detailed example in a semi-real world implementation. The articles are nicely done, there are a good set of exercises about each pattern, and there are some good comparisons between similar patterns. As an example, there's a bit comparing the Builder and Abstract Factory which details that a Builder is concerned with how things are built while an Abstract Factory is concerned with what is built.

Mastering Visual C# .NET

 Mastering Visual C# .NET is the best resource for getting everything you can out of the new C# language and the .NET Framework. You'll master C# language essentials, quickly taking advantage of the many improvements it offers over C++ and see tons of examples that show you all the ways that .NET can make your programming more efficient and your applications more powerful. You'll learn how to create stand-alone applications, as well as build Windows, web, and database applications. You'll even see how to develop web services—a technology that holds great promise for the future of distributed application.

Coverage includes:

* Mastering the fundamentals and advanced aspects of the C# language
* Using Visual Studio .NET for increased coding productivity and debugging
* Creating distributed applications with remoting and web services
* Understanding object-oriented concepts
* Delivering data across the Internet with web services
* Using XML to communicate with other applications
* Accessing databases with ADO.NET
* Building Windows applications
* Creating web applications using ASP.NET
* Reading and writing data from/to files or the Internet
* Using advanced data structures to store and manipulate information
* Using multi-threading for greater application efficiency
* Using reflection to manipulate running code
* Building distributed applications with remoting and web services
* Securing code and authenticating users
* Using built-in encryption facilities
* Making your applications world-ready
* Parsing strings with regular expressions
* Using delegates to handle runtime events
* Programming defensively with exception handling

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C# Threading Handbook

This book addresses the fundamental units of Windows and .NET programming - threads. A strong understanding of the role threads play in program execution, how multiple threads can interact in order to make efficient programs, and the pitfalls to beware of when developing multithreaded applications, are all core to a developer's ability to develop effective C# programs. This book will cover how .NET applications are executed, the life cycle of a thread in .NET, how the .NET Framework uses threads, how threads work in an event-driven environment, how we can avoid race conditions and deadlocks, how the activity of multiple threads can be synchronized, and how to debug multithreaded applications. We finish it off by describing the creation of a multithreaded network application.
What is great about this book?
Threads are fundamental to the way GUI and server applications operate; if your code is running in a GUI, then you're already writing code in a threaded environment. An ASP.NET page also runs in a threaded environment. This book aims to cover the tricky issues of threading in .NET, and particularly to do so from the perspective of C# developers. Threading is by nature not easy to grasp, but a necessary step towards mastery of programming for the .NET platform.

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C# .Net Illuminated (with source code)


This book is designed to teach programmers and aspiring programmers how to build applications using the C# language and Visual Studio .NET. These tools facilitate building applications for desktop computers, the Internet, and mobile devices. The text provides a thorough introduction to C#, and carefully shows how to exploit the power of the Visual Studio .NET environment to minimize the coding a developer needs to do “by hand.”

The Visual Studio .NET platform makes rapid application development possible for those with a wide range of interests. This text will be useful to those preparing to become developers, as well as to those who use computers as a tool to enhance their productivity in their major areas of interest.

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or later will handle all the examples in this text. Visual C# .NET, which can be bundled with this text, will handle the examples in the first 11 chapters.

Chapter 01 - Introduction
Chapter 02 - Creating an Application
Chapter 03 - Controls for Windows Forms
Chapter 04 - Variables and Types
Chapter 05 - Selection and Repetition
Chapter 06 - Reference Types
Chapter 07 - Using a Database
Chapter 08 - Web Applications
Chapter 09 - Validation Controls
Chapter 10 - XML
Chapter 11 - Web Services
Chapter 12 - Mobile Applications
Chapter 13 - Crystal Reports
Appendix A - C# Keywords
Appendix B - Operator Precedence Table
Appendix C - The ASCII Character Set

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TCP/IP Sockets in C#: Practical Guide for Programmers

"TCP/IP sockets in C# is an excellent book for anyone interested in writing network applications using Microsoft .Net frameworks. It is a unique combination of well written concise text and rich carefully selected set of working examples. For the beginner of network programming, it's a good starting book; on the other hand professionals could also take advantage of excellent handy sample code snippets and material on topics like message parsing and asynchronous programming." Adarsh Khare, SDT, .Net Frameworks Team, Microsoft Corporation

The popularity of the C# language and the .NET framework is ever rising due to its ease of use, the extensive class libraries available in the .NET Framework, and the ubiquity of the Microsoft Windows operating system, to name a few advantages. TCP/IP Sockets in C# focuses on the Sockets API, the de facto standard for writing network applications in any programming language. Starting with simple client and server programs that use TCP/IP (the Internet protocol suite), students and practitioners quickly learn the basics and move on to firsthand experience with advanced topics including non-blocking sockets, multiplexing, threads, asynchronous programming, and multicasting. Key network programming concepts such as framing, performance and deadlocks are illustrated through hands-on examples. Using a detailed yet clear, concise approach, this book includes numerous code examples and focused discussions to provide a solid understanding of programming TCP/IP sockets in C#.

*Tutorial-based instruction in key sockets programming techniques complemented by numerous code examples throughout
*Discussion moves quickly into the C# Sockets API definition and code examples, desirable for those who want to get up-to-speed quickly
*Important coverage of "under the hood" details that developers will find useful when creating and using a socket or a higher level TCP class that utilizes sockets
*Includes end-of-chapter exercises to facilitate learning, as well as sample code available for download at the books companion web site

*Tutorial-based instruction in key sockets programming techniques complemented by numerous code examples throughout

*Discussion moves quickly into the C# Sockets API definition and code examples, desirable for those who want to get up-to-speed quickly

*Important coverage of "under the hood" details that developers will find useful when creating and using a socket or a higher level TCP class that utilizes sockets

*Includes end-of-chapter exercises to facilitate learning, as well as sample code available for download at the book's companion web site

TCP_IP_Socket_In_CSharp_Practical_Guide_For_Programmer action_save


Computing with C# and the .NET Framework (with source code)


Computing with C# demystifies the art of programming with C# through clear explanations and intuitive examples. Both novice and experienced programmers will find that this text serves as an accessible and thorough guide to object-oriented and event-driven programming concepts. Readers develop a mastery of objects through the author’s spiral teaching approach: first straightforward examples are presented, then simple class design, and finally the more difficult aspects of inheritance and polymorphism. The author applies his spiral teaching approach throughout the text, and readers acquire a meaningful understanding of programming concepts and techniques. This text sets the standard for today’s C# programming books; readers of all levels will benefit from the rich learning experience that this text provides.

This book teaches C# from the beginning, but includes enough material for a two-term course covering more advanced topics. It teaches the concepts of computing necessary for a CS-1 course, but allows those with prior experience programming in another language to proceed quickly over the earlier chapters to learn the exciting C# language and .NET Framework in depth.

I believe one learns best from example, and, therefore, each chapter has many complete programs. As programmers we learn to add comments to our code, but for pedagogical purposes where comments would be so detailed as to clutter the code, I prefer to use notes. Each note contains a longer explanation of a key line of code, and appears just after the code, allowing easier reading of the code itself. By using notes in this way, I also avoid cluttering the text with detailed code explanations and can focus on explaining concepts.

Chapter 01 - An Introduction to Computing with C#
Chapter 02 - C# Programming Basics
Chapter 03 - Software Engineering with Control Structures
Chapter 04 - More Control Structures and Types
Chapter 05 - Getting Started with Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 06 - Working with Objects
Chapter 07 - Arrays
Chapter 08 - Event-Driven Programming
Chapter 09 - User Interfaces
Chapter 10 - Inheritance
Chapter 11 - Exception Handling and Input/Output
Chapter 12 - Data Structures
Chapter 13 - Threads and Animation
Chapter 14 - Networking
Chapter 15 - Using a Database
Chapter 16 - ASP.NET
Chapter 17 - XML and Web Services
Appendix A - Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers
Appendix B - Bitwise and Shift Operators
Appendix C - Operator Precedence Table
Appendix D - The ASCII Character Set
Appendix E - Simple Types

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The Gnomon Workshop - The Techniques of Ryan Church vol.3: Rendering Hi-Tech Architecture

Ryan’s demo takes the viewer step-by-step through the creation of a digital illustration of a design for a moody futuristic cityscape, from blank-page through to final rendering. Topics illustrated range from shot layout and composition to the use of color and atmosphere to create drama and establish scale. Using industry standard programs, the techniques Ryan demonstrates in the creation of a dynamic, convincing, and colorful digital painting are essential for any concept artist to have. The DVD covers all aspects of the process, from design inception, research and cinematography, through to advanced and effective techniques for completing the finished digital painting.

The software used in this DVD is Corel Painter.

The 2D Digital Workspace
Establishing Shot
Perspective Sketching
Lighting the Scene
Mood and Color
Focal Point

01: Introduction
02: Starting Loose
03: Composition
04: Local Colors
05: Natural Lighting
06: Architectural Details
07: Artificial Lighting
08: Foreground Details
09: Final Touches
10: Credits
Size : 654.9 MB


The Gnomon Workshop - The Techniques of Ryan Church Volume 1 - Rendering Matte Vehicles

The skills required to dramatically, accurately and quickly depict aircraft and spacecraft are of immense value to any concept designer. In this demonstration, a digital illustration is created from start to finish and is accompanied by insightful commentary on such subjects as digital sketching, aircraft and ship design, and a wide variety of rendering techniques. The demo documents the entire process as one of the industry’s top concept artists starts with a rough sketch and takes the viewer through to the final aircraft painting.

The software used in this DVD is Corel Painter.

The 2D Digital Workspace
Aircraft and Ship Design
Natural Lighting
Background Indication
Colors and Markings
Showing Wear and Tear
Material indication

01: Introduction
02: Line Drawing
03: Painting the Background
04: Blocking-In
05: Detailing
06: Final Overall Detailing
07: Credits
Size : 629.83 MB


PhotoshopCafe: Flash CS3 For Designers

Do you want to learn Flash from the ground up? Add videos to your webpage easily, add elegant animations, photo galleries and more. These kinds of thing are now within your reach. This video walks you through the entire Flash Application. It’s an A-Z guide to using Flash. Even if you have never used Flash Before, this video will get you creating Flash projects in no time at all. This video is created with the designer in mind. You’ll learn all the actionscript you need to get started developing Rich Internet sites, even if you have no programming experience. Colin walks you through with his no-nonsence, plain English approach. It’s easier that you thought to learn Flash, and no, it doesn’t have to be boring and difficult. All the lesson files, Flash files, videos, sounds and photos are included so you have what the instructor has!

This video is designed to provide an intensive (but easy to follow) crash-course in Flash CS3. The 65 lessons are based on the curriculum Colin taught at the sold-out out multi-city tour; Flash CS3 Summercamp. Whether you’re a complete Flash beginner or someone wanting to quickly get up to speed with the new Features in Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3, this video is for you!
Size : 764 MB + 702 MB



Rosetta Stone v3.2.1.1 - English (US) Level 1-2-3-ISO

Why is Rosetta Stone the world’s No. 1 language-learning software? Because it works.
Escape the endless tedium of translation, memorization, and grammar drills. Get the language you want, the skills you need and the success you deserve by learning a new language naturally–the same way you learned your first language.
You learned your first language without translation.
You learned your first language easily and naturally by connecting words to objects and events around you. With Rosetta Stone, learn a new language the same way: using native speakers and thousands of real-life images to help you think in the new language from the very beginning. Studies show that learning exclusively in the new language, without translation as a crutch, is crucial.
The exclusive Dynamic Immersion method reinforces your natural language-learning skills with award-winning instructional technology. Identify your learning goals, then choose customized courses that take you there.
The timeless immersion method, along with research-based techniques and new technologies, make Rosetta Stone the clear solution to your language-learning needs.
What will you be able to do?
Understand everyday language.
Through Rosetta Stone’s proficiency-based listening and reading activities, you’ll learn quickly.
Pronounce words correctly.
After practicing with Rosetta Stone’s speech recognition and analysis tools, pronunciation will come easily.
Speak without a script.
Contextual Formation makes sure you have the confidence and cues you need to get the words out on the spot.
Spell and write accurately.
You’ll build gradually from letters to words and sentences.
Engage in real-life conversations.
With Milestone activities, gain confidence using speech alone in simulated situations.
Retain what you learn.
The unique Adaptive Recall reinforces language so it sticks with you in the real world.
Product Description
With English US Level 1,2&3 you connect with the world around you. Build a foundation of fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure. Quickly gain the confidence to enjoy social interactions such as greetings and introductions, travel, dining out, giving and getting directions, shopping and other recreational activities. Learn to share your ideas and opinions, express your feelings and talk about everyday life, your work, your interests, current events, and much more.
Size : 1.45 GB
Rosetta Stone v3.2.1.1 Application CD (Main Installation CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP

English - American: Level 1-2-3 (3 CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP
Rosetta Stone v3.2.1.1 Application CD (Main Installation CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP

English - American: Level 1-2-3 (3 CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP

Rosetta Stone v3.2.1.1 Application CD (Main Installation CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP
(with PC crack)

English - American: Level 1-2-3 (3 CD) for Windows Vista / 2000 / XP



The Gnomon Workshop - Brazil Material Fundamentals: 3DS Max And Brazil Techniques

This DVD offers an in-depth overview of the rendering plug-in Brazil 2 for Autodesk’s 3d Studio Max. In this title Sebastien covers in detail all the different materials, shaders and texture maps included with this amazing tool from Splutterfish. He also demonstrates how to create and manage materials in a simple scene in order to reproduce a photorealistic image in 3D. This DVD contains an extensive custom library which has hundreds of resources in a simple browsable interface. The library includes materials, textures, references and links to everything you need to enhance your scenes and to enable you to create new materials on your own.
Size : 2.2 GB



How do you see color? Which colors work best together? How are colors mixed? Why do colors clash or harmonize? How are convincing skin tones made? What is the secret of warm and cool colors? Of advancing and receding tones? These questions and more will be answered thoughout this instructional video.
Daniel Greene’s unique color techniques can be applied to a wide range of artistic and practical uses. Whether you paint or design, do portraits, landscapes, abstrations or still-lifes, whether you work in oil, pastel, acrylic, alkyds or watercolors, this new approach to understanding color may be helpful to you.
Throughout this video, Daniel Greene illustrates his points using examples of not only his own works, but of art from the Oil Masters to the Impressionists.
Size : 744 MB

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