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Saturday, June 20, 2009

ASVAB for Dummmies 2nd Edition


Packed with practice questions and proven study tips

Get fully briefed on the changes to the ASVAB and sharpen your test-taking skills

Want to ace the ASVAB? This essential guide provides a comprehensive review of all test subjects and covers the latest updates, including the new short-length ASVAB and a new sample of the Armed Forces Qualifying Test. You'll discover the pros and cons of the paper and computer exams, which tests are important to your military career, and cutting-edge study techniques.
* Understand the test's formats
* Prepare to take the ASVAB
* Improve your study techniques
* Memorize key concepts
* Conquer the subtests
* Compute your scores
* Match scores to military jobs
* Maximize your career choices

From the Back Cover
Offers test-taking strategies and three sample exams

Get fully briefed on upcoming changes to the ASVAB and improve your score!

You can pass the ASVAB with flying colors! This friendly guide provides a comprehensive review of all test subjects as well as practice problems to sharpen your skills. Discover which tests are important to your military career and the study techniques that will give you the edge. You’ll even see how to compute your scores and find out what scores are required for specific military jobs.

Praise for ASVAB For Dummies

"I would definitely recommend this guide for anyone who wishes to do their absolute best on the ASVAB."
– Private Tristan A. Hearn

"This is a wonderful guide with great tips for each section. Thank you for writing a down-to-earth guide in terms anyone can understand."
– Kelly Anne Jones, Army recruit

Here you go:

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