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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time

Author(s): Leslie Pockell, Adrienne Avila
Publisher: Business Plus
Date : 2007
Pages : 128
Format : PDF
OCR : Yes
Quality : Good
Language : English

For anyone preparing to step into a leadership role--be it a corporate CEO, business team leader, church deacon, or head of a household--this unique collection of quotes from 100 great leaders of armies, social movements, political revolutions, fashion revolutions, businesses, and nations is sure to inspire. From Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, Jr., from Napoleon to Coco Chanel, readers will encounter such inspiring words to lead by as: "It is not fair to ask of others what
you are not willing to do yourself." (Eleanor Roosevelt); "You do not lead by hitting people over the head--thatÆs assault, not leadership." (Dwight D. Eisenhower); and "What you cannot enforce, do not command." (Sophocles). The essential and eloquently expressed principles in this book will motivate readers to lead with passion and compassion and teach them how to identify and achieve what is best for the group.

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Youzhny said...

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