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Monday, December 22, 2008

The Tomes of Delphi Algorithms and Data Structures - J.Bucknall

Delphi developer Julian Bucknall provides fellow developers a comprehensive overview of using algorithms and data structures from a practical perspective. Bucknall begins with a discussion of algorithm performance, and provides comprehensive coverage of such topics as arrays, linked lists, and binary trees. The book focuses on search algorithms�such as sequential and binary search�and sort algorithms�including bubble, insertion, Shell sort, quicksort, merge sort, and heapsort�along with techniques for optimization. Additionally, the author presents hashing and hash tables, priority queues, state machines and regular expressions, and data compression techniques such as Huffman and LZ77. The companion CD contains the author’s highly successful freeware library EZDSL, source code compatible with all versions of Delphi and with Kylix, and executables from TurboPower Software Company.

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