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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Java 2 Certified Programmer

VTC- Java 2 Certified Programmer

The Java 2: Certified Programmer tutorial is for programmers experienced in using the basic syntax and structure of the Java programming language who wish to take the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform exam . This course covers the information required by certification exam 310-035, which is the exam for Java 2 version 1.4. It also includes the information needed for 310-036, which is the certification exam for upgrading a certification from version 1.2 to version 1.4. It also includes the information required by 311-055, which is the certification exam for Java 2 version 5.0. The latest releases added several new features to the language. VTC Author Arthur Griffith guides you through this preparation tutorial on your journey to certification.


* Course Introduction (04:06)
* The Exam Pt.1 (03:58)
* The Exam Pt.2 (03:37)

Object Oriented Programming

* An Object (01:56)
* A Class (01:50)
* Inheritance (02:00)
* Instantiation (01:26)
* An Abstract Class (02:15)
* An Interface (03:09)
* Polymorphism (02:44)

Declarations & Operations

* Hello World (05:14)
* Names (02:19)
* Data Types (06:34)
* Data Types Pt.2 (03:16)
* Data Declaration (05:05)
* Literal Values (04:48)
* Literal Values Pt.2 (03:38)
* Arithmetic Operators (04:43)
* Bitwise Operators (03:24)
* Assignment Operators (02:28)
* Widening and Narrowing (03:09)
* Boolean Operations (05:14)

References & Objects

* Instantiation & References (02:58)
* Polymorphism (04:19)
* Garbage Collection (05:34)
* Arrays (04:16)
* Multidimensional Arrays (02:00)
* Array Initial Values (04:34)

The Structure of Java

* The Java Virtual Machine (02:52)
* Contents of a Class (05:09)
* Class Modifiers (04:58)
* Data Modifiers (04:34)
* Method Modifiers (04:01)
* Constructors (06:21)
* Methods Pt.1 (04:51)
* Methods Pt.2 (02:42)
* Methods Pt.3 (02:07)
* Methods Pt.4 (06:49)

Flow Control

* Boolean Expressions (03:18)
* If/Else (02:46)
* While & Do/While (02:19)
* For Pt.1 (03:40)
* For Pt.2 (03:26)
* Switch/Case (05:43)
* Break & Continue (04:07)
* Throwing an Exception Pt.1 (06:46)
* Throwing an Exception Pt.2 (06:41)
* The Try/Catch/Finally Block (04:55)
* Overloading & Overriding Methods (03:36)
* Some Specific Exceptions (07:01)
* Assert (03:51)

Language Fundamentals

* Packages (02:36)
* Import (03:03)
* Classpath & Jar Files (02:54)
* Abstract Class (03:57)
* Interfaces (04:03)
* Java Keywords (02:41)
* Nested Classes (03:40)
* An Anonymous Class (04:00)
* Enumerated Types (04:39)
* Comparing Objects (02:30)
* Java Bean Naming Standards (04:17) & java.text

* File Input & Output (06:41)
* Stream Input & Output (06:23)
* Serializable Classes (06:07)
* Format & Parse Dates (04:28)
* Number & Wrapper Classes (04:48)
* NumberFormat (02:43)


* java.lang.Thread (04:12)
* java.lang.Runnable (05:03)
* Synchronized (04:29)
* Wait & Notify (05:03)
* More About Threads (02:03)

java.lang & java.util

* java.lang.Math (03:48)
* Strings (05:13)
* Boxing & Unboxing (04:14)
* java.lang.System (03:58)
* The Set Collection (04:09)
* List, Queue, & Map (06:40)
* Generic Syntax (06:28)
* Selecting a Collection Class (05:03)
* Hashcode (03:11)
* java.util.regex (03:15)
* Pattern & Matcher (04:42)
* java.lang.Comparable (03:47)
* Sorting & Searching (05:21)


* Some Terms (03:58)
* Summary of the Course (02:51)




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